Chapter 11~

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~-( Third Person POV )-~

Cherry sat there on the couch blushing brighter then a traffic light, with (Y/N) snuggled up against his right side. He stayed as still as possible and stared at the show on the TV until his eyelids(fudge logic!-throws arms up-) started to feel heavy, his head falling sideways and softly landing on (Y/N)'s as he falls asleep.

~-( about a half an hour later...)-~

Boss walks through the door and opens his mouth to shout out to Cherry but stops in his tracks when he sees the three skeletons sleeping on the couch, he stares at them for a few seconds then slightly glares at Cherry.

Boss quietly closes the door and walks over to the couch, he stares at Cherry with a hard glare but shifts his gaze over to (Y/N) when he hears her cute snoring, his stare softens and he sighs softly.

He shakes his head and quietly walks up to his room, he comes back down a minute later with a blanket and drapes it over the three. He goes back to his room and gets to sleep as well.

~-(time skip to morning)-~
~—( Cherry's POV )—~

I yawn softly and rub my eyes. I look around sleepily and notice that I'm laying on the couch. Feeling a weight on most of my right side, I look down and blush brightly.

'(Y/N) is sleeping on me!!'

I completely froze up and stare at her peaceful face.

~-(Third Person POV)-~

Cherry breathes in sharply as (Y/N) shifts and wraps her arms around his torso, hugging him in her sleep.

~(LS/N) had woken up earlier and took a picture of the two on the couch, before quietly running upstairs to look for Boss.~

Cherry glances around the living room quickly, trying to figure out how to get off the couch without waking her up. But he huffs slightly when he couldn't find anything. He does his best to relax into the couch, he drapes his arm over her waist, blushing slightly at (Y/N)'s cute snoring.

( -coughs- )

Undertale AU's x Skele!readerWhere stories live. Discover now