Chapter 6- Exploring!!!

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(CHARRY?!?! Charry where the fudge cake did you go?!?!-looking around- Blueberry have you seen Charry?
Blueberry: huh? Charry? Oh! Charry! No I have not seen him.
Dammit where did he go(-static sounds-))


You look at you sister as she runs out of the kitchen and up the stairs. Tilting your head you stand up and follow her slowly and silently.

Sisters POV

I run up the stairs and stop at the top. I look at the two doors."hmm..." I walk to the farthest one. I think this one is Sans room... I thought while standing on my tiptoes and going to opening the door. Before I could grab the handle the door is swung open. I look up at the person who opened the door."what are you doing kid...?" Sans says looking down at me. I smile nervously."I-I was just exploring...." I say playing with my scarf. "Well why don't you go explore...." Sans trails off and looks over at the stairs.


I look over at the stairs and see (Y/N) peeking her head out from behind the railing, glaring at me, her eyelights gone. I sweat slightly."u-umm...w-why don't you go explore outside...??" I say looking back at (LS/N) again. She perks up slightly."That's a great idea!! Come on!!" She says grabbing my arm, pulling me out of my room and down the stairs.'Whoa this kid is strong!' "W-Wow! Kid?! What are you doing?!" I say as she pulls me out the door. Before I was out of the door I glanced behind me and saw (Y/N) sitting on the couch with a small smile.

Undertale AU's x Skele!readerWhere stories live. Discover now