Chapter 12~

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As Cherry is stuck with a sleeping (Y/N) on the couch.

(LS/N) is with Boss on a short patrol before he goes to Undyne's for training, though he didn't want her to come in case of a human appearing, but she pulled her 'adorable puppy dog eyes' card on him and he couldn't say no to her.

So! Right now she is on his shoulders, her eye-lights shaped like big stars as she looks around with excitement, never really being able to sit on someone's shoulders who is this tall before.

As they start to walk back towards the direction of the skele-bros house, a random monster laughs slightly at Boss, "So, when did the great and terrible Papyrus have a soft spot for kids?" The monster teased with a smirk. Boss stops walking and turns to face the monster, "...What was that?" He replied with a glare. "Oh, nothing~ It just looks like you're becoming soft." The monster says, others nearby look over and smirk, expecting a fight to start.

Boss growls slightly and gose to say something but stops when he hears a creepy giggle come from above him. He glances up to (LS/N) and notice her eye-lights are out.

(LS/N)'s adorable and innocent demeanor seems to have vanished as she smiles widely and creepily at the monster in front of them, "woah, you surely do have a big mouth for a weakling like you~" she says, her voice sounding a bit older and mature. She rests her elbow on Boss's head as she leans forward slightly, Boss being absolutely confused just stays silent and watches.

The monster glares at her and goes to yell something but (LS/N) growls a warning as her (left/right) eye glows (LS/FC), a sharp pointed bone flies up to the monster's neck, stoping a centimeter alway. " W A T C H I T . . . " she says.

(LS/N) blinks and smiles cutely at the monster, her normal demeanor appearing again. She looks down at Boss, " Let's go to Undyne's now!" She says excitedly, like nothing happened.

Undertale AU's x Skele!readerWhere stories live. Discover now