Chapter 15 - "Huh...???"

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Somewhere in the multi-verse.

Ink blankly stares at Error who is laughing on the ground.

"Th-tH-ThaT wHølE s-S-siTuAtiøN wAs h-H-hiLarIøuS!¡" Error laughed out as he holds his sides.

"She just had a panic attack." Ink states blankly.

Error sits up, "N-n-Nøt tHat yØu iDiØt, w-WhAt haPpeNed beFørEhaNd!" He corrected as he stands back up. Ink hums slightly and looks back at the portal showing the two skeletons sitting back on the couch. "I think we should introduce ourselves!" Ink yells excitedly and starts making a portal to Underfell, Error chokes on air, "W-w-HaT?!¿¡"


(Y/N) glances up at the wall closest to the stairs when she notices colorful movement against it. She quirks a bone-brow and tugs on Charry's jacket sleeve while still keeping her eyes on the circling colors. Charry grunts slightly and looks at her, "what?" He asks gruffly as she points at the wall, his eye-lights follow where she's pointing and he immediately groans, "god not theeemm."

"Huh...???" (Y/N) is just confused.

Undertale AU's x Skele!readerWhere stories live. Discover now