Chapter 10~"... oh my're to cute for this world.."

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(Sorry for Le wait ;~; and Happy(late) new year! This new year has already been a flippin' emotional roller-coaster for me!! WOO! T^T)

~-~-(some where else)-~-~

"..What'S t-T-thIs..?"

A glitchy voice asked no one in particular as they stare through a small portal, the portal shows (Y/N) and her sister talking with UF Sans.

The glitchy figure raises a(non existent) eyebrow as they watch them talk for a little while more before quickly closing the portal as they hear another one open behind them.

"Hey Error!" A happy voice says as they walk through the colorful portal.

Said skeleton groans loudly as he recognized the voice, "w-Wh-what do yOu waNt I-i-Ink?" Error asks with annoyance in his voice.

Ink laughs slightly as he walks over to stand next to the grumpy skeleton, "Oh nothing much ya grump, just," Ink says as he opens a small colorful portal showing the three skeletons from before sitting on the couch watching TV, "have you noticed these two yet?...I wonder where they came from..?" Ink finishes his sentence and tilts his head slightly.

Error stares at the two new skeletons with slight curiosity shining in his eyes, which Ink notices but doesn't say anything, "..yE-yes i-I no-O-otice..." Error answers softly as he rips his gaze away from the portal.

~-time skip, a half an hour later-~
•-with (Y/N), Third person POV-•

UF Sans was slouched into the couch as he watched the movie that was playing.

(LS/N) had fallen asleep curled up against Cherry's left side, her head on his stomach. Cherry had draped his arm over her protectively, though he did that absentmindedly.(or did he?!)

(Y/N) sleepily stares at the TV, her vision fading in and out as she slowly falls into dreamland. Once she fell asleep her head tilted slightly, making her body fall against Cherry, her head on his chest as she snuggles into his warmth, she was hugging his right arm against her chest like it was a stuffed animal.

-UF Sans POV-

I feel my face explode in a bright blush as I feel (Y/N) hug my arm and snuggle against me, I stare at her wide eyed before I notice her slow breathing, "..s-she's asleep..." I thought as I relaxe and released a breath I didn't even notice I was holding in.

I silently stare at her sleeping face and feel my cheeks heat up again, "...she looks so peaceful....and adorable..." I blush a little more at my thoughts and quickly look back at the TV.

I blush brightly as I feel (Y/N) shift and snuggle her head into my neck, snoring cutely.

"...oh my're to cute for this world.."


-dies of all the cuteness- I can't go on...ehhhhh...-falls to the floor-


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