Chapter 9- "god she's cute...."

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~-~(Y/N)'s POV~-~

After I finished my third plate of spaghetti, I got up and started making my way into the kitchen when the door swung open and Cherry walked in laughing with (LS/N) on his shoulders, she was laughing too, snow was covering them both. I stood in the kitchen doorway, leaning against the frame with a small smirk on my lips as I watch them silently. Cherry carefully picks up (LS/N) and sets her on the ground softly, (LS/N) smiles brightly and hugs him from the side. Cherry freezes slightly and hesitantly hugs her back, "..he's not used to hugs....hmm..." I mentally smirk, "I can use that to my advantage in some way...surprise hugs~!" I mentally laugh at my own thoughts and watch as Cherry let's go of (LS/N), I move away from the wall and teleports behind Cherry. I wait for a few seconds then I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him into my chest, I rest my chin on his head as he blushes brightly, "W-what are you doing....?!?!" He asks, his voice cracking slightly. I hold in a chuckle and reply, "what does it look like...? I'm huggin' ya..." He grumbles slightly and tries to push me away, I pull him closer and smirk, "what? Do you not like my hugs? I was always told I give great hugs..." I say, fake sadness in my voice. "W-what..?? N-wha-I...!" He starts to fumble with his words, I can't hold it in any more and laugh, snorting slightly as I pull away from him. I put my hand up to my mouth as I hold my side.

~-~(Cherry's POV)~-~

I turn around and look at (Y/N) as she laughs. I blush slightly at how cute her laugh is. She starts to calm down and wipes a fake tear from her eye, she looks at me and smiles widely, "you are SO adorable!" She says, I blush more and look away, "she thinks I'm adorable...? How though...?" I thought as my blush fades. (Y/N) pokes my cheek slightly, "ya alright?" She asks, tilting her head, I blush softly, "Y-Yeah...! I'm fine..!" I said,

"god she's cute...."

Undertale AU's x Skele!readerWhere stories live. Discover now