Chapter 7- starting of a snow ball fight

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UF!Sans POV~

I follow (LS/N) as she runs up ahead, man that kid is strong...

Sister's POV~

I jump into a snow puff and make some snow balls, I look over to Sans and noticed that he's not paying attention, I giggle slightly and throw a snow ball at him then hide in the snow puff.

UF!Sans POV~

A snow ball hits me right in the face. I stand there, shocked. I hear a giggle, so it was her! I wipe the snow off my face and bend down to make a snow ball, I look around for her.


I giggle again and peek over the snow puff when a snow ball hits me in the arm. I giggle. "HEY!!!"

UF!Sans POV~

I chuckle, "Snow ball fight?"

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