Chapter 13~

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Boss blinks slightly in confusion but also slight proudness. He smirks and nods as he starts walking to Undyne's.

~-(To Cherry and (Y/N)-~
(I should just make this a UF!Sans x reader sense it's mostly been just that.)

Cherry had fallen back to sleep, snuggling into (Y/N)'s warmth.

(Y/N) shifts and yawns softly. She sleepily snuggles up into the warmth that's next to her. Half asleep, she opens her eyes and looks around.

She squeaks slightly when she's pulled forward slightly and feels something snuggle against her collarbone/rib cage . She looks down and blushes slightly, seeing Cherry hugging her closely with his arms wrapped around her waist, his face against her chest, (Y/N) blushes brightly noticing this and tries to carefully pull his arms off of her.

But he grumbles and his hold on her tightens, she holds her breath as Cherry yawns and his eyes start to open.

Cherry looks up at (Y/N) sleepily and she stares back at him with wide eyes.

His eyes widen slightly as he slowly notices how close he is to her. Then he blushes when he also notices how he is holding her closely.

Cherry freaks out and let's go of her, jumping back and falling off the side of the couch with a yelp.

(Y/N) quickly sits up and hides herself in her hoodie.

Undertale AU's x Skele!readerWhere stories live. Discover now