Chapter 14~

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An awkward and uncomfortable silence fell between the two skeletons.

Charry is still on the floor mentally freaking out as a massive blush is spread over his face. Images of how close she was to his face flashing within his mind making him somehow blush even more.

(Y/N) is still hiding in her hoodie.

Charry slowly sits up and glances at (Y/N) on the couch, his blush fading as he notices that she's breathing kind of fast. He stands up and steps towards her a bit, "..(Y-Y/N)..? Are you ok?" He asks, a bit of concern lacing his voice, "i-I'm fiNe!" She barely squeaks out from under her hoodie. "N-No you're not..! You're hyperventilating!" He responds and steps closer to her, he moves her hoodie out of her face and cups her face in his hands, "Look at me. Deep breaths..!" He instructs her, (Y/N) quickly sucks in a big gulp of air and holds it for a few seconds before exhaling, she does it a few more times. "Good, that's it," he smiles slightly, "keep doing that, I'll get ya some water." He says and she nods slightly as he makes his way to the kitchen.

He comes back with a cup of water and carefully hands it to her. She quickly drinks it and leans back into the couch.

(I get panic attacks that are a bit more worse then this and it hurts and it lasts for 15 ish minutes or more. It's rare, maybe twice a year, but it sucks when it does happen T-T

Anyway, imma start on the next one later, if you guys have any ideas on what to do next comment them. I'm gonna go to bed O~O)

Undertale AU's x Skele!readerWhere stories live. Discover now