Chapter 4- Skele fight (...I just wont food man..)

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Papyrus was the first to recover from his shock, taking a step back, and he throws a couple of bones at you. Acting quickly(like lightning, can hardly see ya :3), you grab UF Sans by his shirt and move out of the way of the attacks. "Wha-Wow!?!" UF Sans yells as he falls face first into the snow as you let go of his shirt.

(UF Sans:HEY!!
Arthur-Chan:I'm sorry man but it had to happen~!
UF Sans:-grumbles-
Arthur-Chan:Heheh...OH! Right back to the story!-cough cough-....)

"WHO ARE YOU?!?!?!" UF Papyrus yells as he throws more bone attacks at you, you look at UF Papyrus with a bored expression, dodging his attacks swiftly. "The names (Y/N)..." You say dodging some more of his attacks. "...and can you stop attacking me so I can talk..." You say again, still dodging more of his attacks. Papyrus looks at you and growls slightly, stopping his attacks. "Thanks..." You say. "GAH...WHATEVER...WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE??? WHAT DO YOU WANT????" Papyrus says looking at you with a glare. "I didn't mean to come here...I was running...f-from something...." You say looking at the trees.

"what were you running from....?" Sans ask from behind you. You look at him, your eye sockets black and hollow. ". . . . ." You say nothing. Sans backs up slightly. "U-uhhh.....f-forget I asked...." Sans say. Your eye sockets go back to normal. "You guys got any food...?" You ask looking between the two skeletons again. "UHH....I CAN MAKE SPAGHETTI BUT WE'LL HAVE TO GO BACK TO MY HOUSE..." Papyrus says. "Alright lead the way.....oh wait!" You say. You unzip your jacket and grab your sister, setting her on the ground. "This is my sister..." You say looking at her, she hugs your leg.

(Author-Chan: in this book your sister is 7 years old and is only up to your middle thigh in height, I know she's very small but hey it's adorable :D)

"Her name is (LS/N)..." You say. "Ok now you can lead the way." You say. The two skeletons start walking to their house. "Even though I already know the way...." You thought,  grabbing your sisters hand following the two skeletons.

Undertale AU's x Skele!readerWhere stories live. Discover now