It All Begins

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There she was, entering Abigail Adams High like she ruled the place. Well technically, she kind of does. She struts in with her designer clothes, her luscious blonde hair perfect as always. She had her usual group of followers surrounding her. She had a whole line of lovers as well but she was a heartbreaker, never staying with one boy for too long. Currently, she was dating Lucas Friar, the captain of the football team.

I sigh and put away my history book in my locker. I was just plain old boring Riley Matthews. I, for sure, was no Maya Hart. She was popular, I'm not. She has friends, I have a friend. She was beautiful, I am not. She would never love a girl like me.

"Hey Riley."

I turn to see my best friend (and my only friend) Farkle Minkus aka boy genius. He's been my friend ever since we were little kids. He used to have this giant bowl cut, but over the years it got smaller and smaller, until finally he began gelling his hair like all the other guys. He also got rid of all the turtlenecks he used to wear and now has some sort of chic nerd style going on. I might've found him hot but I didn't swing that way. The other girls could find him hot if he wasn't labeled as a loser/nerd. We were the biggest losers in the school.

 We were the biggest losers in the school

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"Hey." I greet back, turning my head to look back at Maya. She was currently making out with Lucas, who had his hands under her shirt. "You should tell her how you feel." Farkle says. He may be a genius, but when it comes to love, he's clueless.

"I can't do that! She probably never even noticed me before and would immediately reject me! Plus, she's straight and has a boyfriend." I say. "You don't know that. Maybe she never has a stable relationship with boys because she's not straight." Farkle tries to reason with me.

"Still not happening." I say. Farkle opens his mouth to reply but was slammed into one of the lockers instead. "Farkle!" I shout, worried for my friend.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the nerd." Lucas Friar sneers. He had detached himself from Maya's lips long enough to make his way to us. He had Farkle pinned against the locker. Everyone was watching us now, including Maya. I don't know what happened to Lucas. He used to be such a nice kid back in middle school. We were even friends.

High school changes people. I'm sick of living in this stupid apocalyptic land filled with drama and backstabbing. "Leave him alone." I growl. "Riley, no!" Farkle says. He doesn't want me standing up for him, he once told me. He says that he's not worth getting bruises over. That's a bunch of craziness right there. He's my friend and right now what matters to me the most is him.

Everyone was watching the confrontation, hanging onto every word and action. "What did you just say to me?" Lucas snarls. He releases his grip and turns around to stare at me. I gather my courage and take a step forward, even if it feels like I'm walking towards my doom.

"Riley, stop!" Farkle tries again. Lucas punches him in the gut to shut him up. Farkle collapses to the ground, wheezing in pain while clutching his stomach. As a watch my friend fall, I lose it. I'm tired of this. As my dad always said, it's time to make this my world. I take a quick glance at the crowd who were looking at us as if we were in a TV show. That's all I was to them, entertainment. I lock eyes with Maya for a split second before I break away and look back at Lucas.

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