The Idea

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"Riley, wake up." Someone shakes me gently. I groan and face away from the person, wanting more sleep.

"Come on sleeping beauty. It's your turn to keep watch." The person gently presses their lips to mine, effectively waking me up. My eyes flutter open to see blue eyes staring back at me. I stifle a yawn.

"Hey." I say sleepily while sitting up.

"Hey yourself." Maya says. "I'm getting some sleep."

She settles back down on the carpet, leaving me to my thoughts. I smile once again when I see Maya asleep. She was curled up on her side, using her arm as a pillow. Her hair was falling in her face, cascading in waves. I gently tuck her curls behind her ear and give her a quick kiss on the forehead. Maybe I was just imagining things, but I could've sworn I saw her lips curl up in a smile.

I glance around the living room. Lucas and Farkle were cuddled up on the couch together. My dad fell asleep in his comfy chair and Zay was sleeping in a bean bag chair. I smile at the scene. We were finally all together.

I sit in silence for a couple hours, just looking around Farkle's house. The room was dead silent except for the occasional snores coming from my dad. I glance out the window, just looking at the moon, immersed in my thoughts. Only a week ago, Farkle and I were still the biggest losers in school. Farkle was still being bullied and we were still being called a loser and nerd. Maya and Lucas were still shoving their tongues in each other's throats and Zay was, well, still Zay.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I hear a small whimper. I frown, knowing exactly whose mouth it came from. I race my way back to the blonde beauty, hopping over Zay's sleeping body along the way. Zay shifts slightly at the wind I've created but settles back down.

Maya's peaceful sleeping position from before was gone. Her eyebrows were knit together and her lips were in a frown. She kept tossing and turning, occasionally letting out more quiet whimpers. Each one felt like a knife in the back. I quickly bend over and shake Maya awake.

"Maya." I whisper, trying to arouse her from her nightmare. Her blue eyes fly open, wild with panic. She takes one look at me and I could just see the relief enter in them. Next thing I know, I'm being crushed in a tight hug, struggling to breathe.

"M-Maya, c-can't b-b-breathe." I gasp out. She quickly loosens her grip, but keeps her arms around me. "Sorry." She apologizes.

"Nightmare?" I ask. She simply nods her head and pulls me closer to her.

"Awwww." Another voice coos. The two of us look up to find Zay watching us.

Zay notices the looks on our face, even in the dark. "Stop judging me!" He exclaims, crossing his arms in frustration. My dad, Lucas, and Farkle stir at the sound. "Anyways, you guys get some sleep, I'll take it from here." He says, softening his voice.

"You sure?" I ask Zay. He nods in response. I thank him and cuddle up with Maya on the carpet, the two of us tangled together in a web of limbs.


"Well it's morning. Wonder what's gonna go wrong today." Zay remarks. The six of us were all sitting at Farkle's dining room table, eating cold pancakes for breakfast.

"Too bad we can't heat these up." Lucas says grumpily, still sleepy.

"It's better than those beans we had to eat." Farkle says and everyone shudders at the thought. I chomp on my pancakes, feeling famished. I could care less about the temperature of it, I just wanted it in my stomach.

Everyone watches me with amused expressions. Pretty soon, I had finished all mine but my stomach wanted more.

"Here." Maya says, handing me the rest of hers. I flash her a guilty look. "Are you sure?"

Maya nods and that's all I need before I go to work on the rest of her pancakes.

"Any idea on what we're gonna do today?" Farkle asks everyone. Nobody had an answer.

"I just wish the scientists would hurry up and find an antidote. Too bad we can't make one ourselves." My dad says.

Farkle jumps up in his seat, despite his injury. "That's it! I don't know why we didn't think of this sooner! What if we can make an antidote ourselves?"

As the idea reached our ears, conversation broke out immediately. "Farkle, how are we supposed to? We can't use the internet." I say, doubting the idea.

"Books! My dad has a huge library containing books on every topic! There's gotta be one about zombies in there somewhere!" Farkle is shouting at this point, excited at his idea.

Everyone gives each other doubtful looks. "I guess it's worth a shot. Better than just sitting around and waiting." My dad finally says.

"I'll go in the library and start looking. Who wants to come with me?" Farkle asks, looking around the table. Lucas immediately volunteers, my dad a couple seconds later.

"Okay. Zay, Maya, Riley, I guess you guys can just sit tight for now." Farkle says, leading my dad and Lucas to his library.

"Be honest guys. Do you think Farkle's plan will actually work?" I ask.

"Nope." The two of them say together.

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