Make Ups

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Most of the morning was spent with the water fight. We were all drenched to our bones.  Fortunately, Maya and I changed into some of my spare clothes while I gave Lucas and Farkle some of my dad's clothes.

"These pants are too big for me!" Farkle exclaims, gripping them with his hands. I smirk. "Hey Farkle, catch." I throw a pillow at him.

His reflexes kick in and he catches it. Unfortunately for him, to catch the pillow meant that he had to release his grip on his pants. They fall down, revealing his underwear.

"Really Farkle? You have microscopes on your boxers?" I snicker, Maya and Lucas joining in. Farkle flushes red and quickly pulls his pants back up. He sits down to avoid further embarrassment. "Not cool, Riley! Not cool!"

For lunch, we had some mystery canned meat. If I wasn't currently trapped in an apocalypse, I wouldn't go near this nasty thing that's considered 'food.' But, seeing as there were no better options, I gulp down my lunch with a disgusted look on my face. Everyone's face was pretty much the same as mine.

"This is all we got to eat?" Lucas complains, making a disgusted face.

"Well sorry we don't have anything else to satisfy your needs." I say, practically seething with sarcasm.

Lucas rolls his eyes at me. "I'm still waiting for your apology."

I nearly spit out the mystery meat in surprise. I choke on the stupid thing, coughing loudly and red in the face. Farkle pounds me on the back, trying to help. "I need to apologize to YOU!?" I shout after recovering from my little incident.

"Uh, yeah! You dumped syrup all over me! It took forever to get that out of my hair!" Lucas exclaims.

You have got to be kidding me. Why is this guy so ANNOYING!? "I don't need to apologize to you! If anything, you need to apologize to me! You're the one who gave me a black eye!"

Lucas scoffs. "Oh so one little injury and it's the end of the world for you, huh?"

"Well, considering we are in a zombie apocalypse, it literally is the end of the world!" I spit back. Out of all the people in this city, why did I have to be stuck with Lucas!? I can't stand him. I try to convince myself that my opinion of him is because he bullies Farkle, not because he's in a relationship with Maya.

"Whatever." Lucas shoots back. "So are you gonna apologize or what?"

I shoot out of my chair, ready to attack him. Farkle, who knew me too well, quickly pulls me back. "Okay, enough is enough!" Farkle shouts. "You guys need to work out your differences, now! We're gonna have to be a team if we want to survive! And we can't do that if two of our members are constantly at each other's throats."

"Get up Lucas." Farkle commands. Lucas raises an eyebrow. "I said get up!" Farkle roars. Lucas quickly jumps out of his seat, taken aback by his anger. Farkle pushes the two of us into my parent's bedroom and slams the door.

"You guys aren't coming out of there until you settle your differences!" Farkle shouts.

"No!" Lucas protests. "Maya, are you just gonna let him do this!?"

"Sorry Ranger Rick, but I agree with Farkle over here." I hear her beautiful voice ring out. If only...

I sigh and sit on the bed, bouncing up and down a bit. Lucas tries to push the door back open, but Farkle had jammed it with a block of wood. He gives up and slumps to the ground. For a moment, we just sit there in silence, having nothing to say to each other. This was actually happening. We are in a zombie apocalypse and here I was, stuck with Lucas the jerk.

"Ranger Rick?" I raise an eyebrow at Lucas's nickname. "Only Maya gets to call me that." Lucas says.

We sit in silence once again. After a while, Lucas finally breaks it, saying something that shocks me. "Why do you hate me?"

I blink in surprise. "What makes you think that I hate you?"

Lucas shrugs. "Whenever I'm at school I always see you glaring at me. I mean, I get that you should slightly hate me for bullying Farkle, which I am sorry about. But, you always look at me with this deep hatred. What did I do to you?" He confesses.

"I..." I'm at a loss for words. Lucas had rendered me speechless. I can't believe this is actually happening. Lucas, the guy who was basically my mortal enemy, had just apologized to me. I didn't hate him so much for the fact that he bullies Farkle. Farkle could handle himself, he proved that just a day ago when he beat up Lucas. My hatred for Lucas was because he had the one thing that I will never have, Maya's heart. I guess I just blamed him for everything, when I should've just been blaming myself.

"Look, can we just start over?" I ask him. "I'm sorry for the glares, it's just... complicated."

Lucas slowly nods. "Okay. Hi, I'm Lucas." He says.

"I'm Riley." I introduce myself. Maybe Lucas Friar wasn't all that bad. I'm starting to see some of the old Lucas again, before he became this cold hearted jock. Lucas stands up and slams his hand on the door. "Farkle! Let us out! We worked things out!"

"Wait, seriously?" Farkle asks in disbelief. "Yes, seriously!" Lucas leans on the door, rolling his eyes. Unfortunately for him, Farkle decided to open the door. Lucas falls and crashes into Farkle, taking the both of them down.

I held back a snicker, looking at the two of them. Lucas had his arm wrapped around Farkle, whose face resembled a bright cherry tomato. Lucas quickly realizes their current position and unwraps his arm. He gets up with lightning speed. "Er...sorry about that." He says before making his way back to Maya.

Farkle had a dreamy, far out look on your face. "You okay Farkle?" I ask as I help him up. "Never better." He replies, a goofy grin on his face.

The rest of the day was pretty boring, considering the fact that we were in a zombie apocalypse. Lucas and Maya were attached to the hip, talking and laughing together. Farkle and I had decided to just leave the two of them alone, for our sakes. The pain of my heartbreak was just too much.

As the sun made its way down the sky and the moon came up, I felt exhausted. The four of us agreed on taking night shifts, in case any zombies tried to attack the house while we were asleep and leave us defenseless.

Lucas volunteered to take the first shift, leaving us three to get some rest. Maya took the couch and Farkle took the air mattress, leaving me to sleep on the carpet. "Are you sure you don't want the mattress, Riley?" Farkle asks, a guilty look on his face. He eyes my scattered blankets on the carpet.

"Farkle, it's okay. Really. Besides you need your sleep. You stayed up all night yesterday." I say. Farkle gives me a small smile. "Night Riley." He says before lying down on the mattress.

"Night Farkle." I respond, pulling the blankets over my body. Eyelids heavy, I slowly fall asleep listening to the soft snores of Farkle and Maya.

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