Heartbreak and Revelations

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My knees were shaking so hard that I could probably make a milkshake with them. Why did I agree to this idea!? I gripped my golf club so hard that my knuckles turned white. Farkle was in the lead with Maya and I right behind him. Farkle was armed with the knives while Maya had a baseball bat.

We crept around the area, trying to find any signs of human life. "Maybe this wasn't such a good idea..." I say, still shaking with fear. Before Farkle can say anything back to me, we heard a blood curdling scream.

"It came from that direction, come on!" Farkle shouts, beginning to run. Maya and I were hot on his trails.

We stop in our tracks, looking at the scene. It was Lucas who had shouted. He was surrounded by zombies, trying to fight them all off with his fists. He punched a zombie so hard that the head came flying right off. Ew...

Farkle doesn't hesitate and charges right in. My eyes widen in disbelief. Farkle was going to save his bully? Nonetheless, I wasn't going to leave Farkle to fight by himself. I follow him, swinging my golf club into a zombie's stomach. The zombie goes flying a couple feet. Farkle was blindly slashing everything in sight. He turns back to me. "Riley, behind you!"

I turn around to find myself face to face with a zombie. I gasp and freeze in fear. I could see every detail of the zombie's face. It was flaky and peeling in many places. His face was pale and sunken in many places. His eyes were black and didn't have any trace of emotion in them. The zombie groaned and lunged for me. Before it reached me, there was a loud crack and the zombie went flying down the street. In its place was Maya. Her hair was unruly and her eyes were wild with adrenaline. She saved me...

We lock eyes for a split second before Maya turns around and swings at another zombie. I hear Farkle cry in pain. I manage to find him with a zombie on his back. He was struggling with it, trying to get it off. I swing my club and find my mark on the zombie's back. The zombie's grip loosened, allowing Farkle to fling it off.

After a lot of blood and guts and me nearly losing my dinner, we managed to fight our way to the center. Lucas's eyes widen in surprise, seeing us here. "What are-" He starts to say but is interrupted by Farkle. "Save the questions for later!" Farkle shouts and tosses Lucas a knife.

Lucas nods and begins to slash at every zombie he can. Together, the four of us made it out alive and back to the house. I unlocked the door, let everyone in, and slammed it shut, making sure to triple lock it. Looks like Farkle's plan worked, but was having Lucas as an ally a good idea? We had a bad history with him.

"Okay, what is going on!?" Lucas shouts. "Why are there zombies here!? Nerd, spill it!"

"I wouldn't insult him if I were you." My eyes narrow in disdain. "He just saved your life."

Lucas and I glare at each other. My eye was still throbbing from earlier today. Lucas smirks in satisfaction. Farkle ignores our little confrontation and speaks. "Well, I may have... kind of... sort of... accidently started the zombie apocalypse."

Lucas's eyes flash with disbelief that slowly turn to anger. "What?" He growls out. "You're the reason my whole family are zombies!" He lunges at Farkle. Farkle's eyes widen in panic and he quickly scrambles away. Lucas raises his fist to punch Farkle but is stopped by Maya.

"Lucas, stop! Fighting Farkle won't bring your family back!" Maya puts herself in-between Farkle and Lucas. I glance at Farkle to see a shocked expression on his face. Maya had stood up for him.

"Why are you defending the nerd?" Lucas sneers the last word. "Look Lucas, I understand that you're mad about your family but beating someone up won't solve the problem." Maya reasons.

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