The Realization

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"I don't know! Farkle and I were just taking a shortcut through the cemetery when... Farkle, you spilled your chemicals on the ground!" It finally clicks in my head. "That was a zombie! We caused the zombie apocalypse!" I freak out.

"Calm down Riley! There has to be a reasonable explanation for this!" Farkle, being a man of science, says. "There is no other explanation Farkle! That was definitely a zombie!" I shout back.

Farkle tries to stutter something out but stops when he realizes that I was right. Maya watches our exchange with a raised eyebrow. "Okay, ha-ha guys. Very funny." She says.

Farkle and I look at her in confusion. "Nice prank." She says. "You got me."

"Maya, it's not a prank." I state. Farkle nods. Maya rolls her eyes. "Seriously, you guys can stop acting now."

"I am serious!" I exclaim. "Sure, whatever you say." Maya says sarcastically. She goes to unlock the door. "Maya, no!" Farkle and I scream together.

Farkle launches himself at the door. He slams right into it, blocking Maya's path. "What's it gonna take for you to believe us?" He asks.

Maya scoffs. "I may not be a genius like you Farkle, but I'm not stupid." I couldn't help but think that Maya called him a genius. Not a nerd, like all the other popular kids. She really was different...

I look out the window and freeze. "Uh, maybe that will." I say while shakily pointing my finger at the window. Maya and Farkle turn to look and they both freeze as well. The zombie that was chasing us was now eating some poor girl's arm. The girl was screaming bloody murder. Soon, her screams died out and her eyes glazed over. Not even a moment later, she was reincarnated as a zombie as well.

"Okay. I-I believe you guys." Maya stutters out, staring in fear at the two zombies. Farkle puts his head in his hands. "Oh man. This is all my fault!" Farkle says. "I'm the one who tripped and spilled all the chemicals!"

"No, Farkle this isn't your fault!" I say. "It's mine! I'm the one who convinced you to take the shortcut through the cemetery because I wanted to get home faster. I take full responsibility for all of this."

Farkle didn't seem to hear me. "The apocalypse is gonna be my fault." He whispers. He starts repeating the words 'my fault' over and over again. His breathe starts to get shaky and his already pale skin seems to turn white. Next thing I know, his eyes rolls in the back of his head and he passes out.

"Farkle!" I shout. I bend over him and check his pulse. I sigh in relief, it was still strong. "Does he always do that?" Maya comments. She had a point there. This was like the third time today.

"Yeah, pretty much." I answer. "Help me move him to the couch." Maya and I drag Farkle by his legs. Together, we pick him up and lay him on the couch.

I sit down in a chair and put my head in my hands as well. "I'm a terrible friend." I say more to myself. None the less, Maya hears this. "You are not!" She exclaims.

I lift my head to meet her eyes once again. They were the brightest blue I have ever seen, like little sapphires. "Yes I am! Everything I did today only hurt him! I tried to defend him which only pissed off your boyfriend! I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing in home ec and started a fire! He got hurt trying to protect me twice! And now I made him think that he doomed the world and he has a panic attack!" I can feel the tears start to build up in my eyes and quickly shut them, trying to make them disappear.

Maya takes a seat in the chair next to me. "Well, if it makes you feel any better, I thought you were pretty brave today." She says quietly. I snort. "What? When I ran screaming from a zombie?"

Maya gives a little laugh. My heart starts to be beat faster. I actually made her laugh! "No. But to be fair, we were all screaming our heads off. I was talking about when you stood up to Lucas. I mean, maple syrup? Really? No one else would have the guts to do that."

"Well I couldn't exactly fight him. Look at these arms." I flail them around. Maya gives a little giggle. She was adorable. I can't believe everything that happened today. Only 10 hours ago, I was still admiring Maya from afar. And now we were stuck in what was soon to be an apocalypse. There were already two zombies, who knows how many more appeared in the time we were talking.

I look back at Maya who was staring at me again. "What?" I ask. Maya doesn't answer. "Uh... Maya?" I wave my hands in her face, trying to snap her out of it. She finally comes to. "Do I have something on my face or what?" I ask.

"Huh?" She says back.

"You were staring at me." I state, shifting uncomfortably.

"Oh. Sorry." She mumbles.

We were stuck in an awkward silence for about a minute. Luckily, Farkle decided to wake up. "Oh, hey Riley!" He says cheerfully. I look at him, confused. Just minutes ago he was having a panic attack.

"I had this AWFUL dream that I accidently started the zombie apocalypse! And you were there with me, and so was Maya, the girl you have a..." He shouts but quickly stops when he sees Maya sitting next to me. "Oh. That wasn't a dream, was it?" He says, his happiness fading quickly. I slowly shake my head. "Wait, wait." Maya says. "Finish that sentence."

Farkle gives me a panicked glance and I'm pretty sure that my face mirrored his. "Uh... The girl you have a..." Farkle trails off, not sure what to say. He looks to me for help. Maya looks back and forth between us, trying to figure this out. Luckily, there was another scream heard that distracted us.

"Oh boy. What are we gonna do?" Farkle asks guiltily. "Stay alive and not die." Maya says weakly, looking out the window again. There was another zombie eating a man. I felt sick to my stomach. I couldn't do anything to help him, we were weaponless. Speaking of weapons...

"We need to find something to defend ourselves with." I state firmly. "Like what? I don't suppose you have any guns?" Maya asks.

"No, but there are knives in the kitchen. And we could use everyday objects. I mean, you hit that zombie's hand with a racket." I suggest.

"Wait just a moment." Farkle says. "Maybe someone has already alerted the government about this and they'll come in and fix this. Then we could just go back to our normal lives!" He says, near hysterics. He was still blaming himself, I can tell.

Before I can tell him to stop accusing himself once again, the power goes out. I give a little shriek and jump onto Maya's lap in surprise. Then, I realize what I was doing. "Er... Sorry." I mumble, my face flushing. Now I'm glad it's dark so I can hide my red face.

Farkle gets up and makes his way to the window. His face was illuminated by the moonlight. "The telephone lines are down." He says. How is that already possible? We had no power and were cut off from the rest of the world. Only about half an hour ago Farkle and I were still walking home. The zombies have already started to take over. I just hope my family is okay. Who knows how long it'll be before the zombies are everywhere.

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