Fractured Heart

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"Woah. Look at them." Lucas and Maya finally break away from their kiss. Lucas pointed over at Riley and Farkle. While he was satisfied at Riley's sadness, he felt a pang in his chest looking at Farkle. He looked like he lost his will to live.

"They look... heartbroken." Maya says, crunching her eyebrows in confusion. Riley had her head on Farkle's shoulders. Farkle had his arm wrapped around her waist. She could've sworn she even saw a couple tears in Riley's eyes.

"Let's go see what's wrong." Lucas suggests.


"Are you guys okay?" Maya's voice rings out at me. I finally look up and find her eyes, filled with worry. They were directed right at me.

"Riley's fine. She's just worried about her parents and her brother, that's all." Farkle lies through his teeth. I'm grateful for a friend like Farkle, he knows me so well. I don't think I can talk right now, the lump in my throat grew bigger when I see Lucas take Maya's hand.

"Oh." Maya says, sounding sad. "We'll just leave you guys to it then." Maya leads Lucas to a different room, probably to continue to make out.

I sigh and turn back to Farkle. "It hurts." I whisper and dig my head back into his chest.

"I know." Farkle says, staring at where he last saw Lucas.

"Do you think we'll be okay though?" I ask in a small voice. "As long as we have each other." Farkle answers and rests his head on mine.

The night was a bitter one. Lucas and Maya had fallen asleep on the couch together. They were all tangled up and I pictured myself in Lucas's place. I stare at them for a while, looking so peaceful and oblivious to the fact that they were hurting Farkle and I. Lucas shifted around and put his arm around Maya, as if he was claiming that she was his.

I feel tears prick my eyes. "You should get some sleep Riley." Farkle's voice cracks. This was tearing him apart just as much it was tearing me. "I'll stay up and keep watch."

I nod slowly. I grab a random blanket and pull it over myself. I slowly cry myself to sleep. My dreams were filled with Lucas and Maya kissing. I lose another piece of myself as I watch each image of Lucaya.

Morning couldn't come soon enough. I'm shook awake by Farkle. He didn't look so good, with his red shot eyes and paler than usual face. "Farkle, did you stay awake all night!? You should've just woke me up so I could keep watch." I scold him.

He flashes me a grimace. I look over at Lucas and Maya to find them cuddling. "You were looking at them all night, weren't you?" I ask. Farkle nods his head. "My night wasn't much better, my dreams were littered with the two of them sucking their faces off." I say bitterly. Farkle gives me a sympathetic smile.

"What are we gonna do today?" I wonder out loud. Farkle shrugs. "As long as the zombies don't attack, I guess we'll just be lounging around all day." He answers.

"Great. We'll just be watching our crushes making out all day." I say. "No." Farkle says.

"No?" I raise an eyebrow.

"No. I'm not just gonna sit here heartbroken all day. We're going to do something." Farkle says, determined.

"Like what?" I ask. "There's nothing to do."

"Then we can make something up. Come on!" Farkle grabs my hand and pulls me around the house.


"Cory, don't do this!" Topanga cries, tears in her eyes. She had her arms around Cory's waist, trying to prevent him from leaving.

"Topanga, let go of me." Cory says softly, but determined. He tried to not look her straight in the eyes. Otherwise, he would break down as well. "You can't stop me from doing this." His voice cracks a bit.

Topanga sighs, before letting go. Cory turns to Auggie and bends down so he's eye level with him. "Bye Auggie. Take care of mommy for me."

Auggie nods his head. "Bye daddy." He gives a little wave. Cory smiles and pulls Auggie in for a hug.

Cory then turns back to Topanga. "Topanga, I love you." He says, fully knowing that this may be the last time he says this. "I love you too." Topanga says and smashes her lips onto his.

Finally, they pull away. Cory gives one last look to his family, before walking out the door, not looking back. If he did, he wouldn't be able to leave. Back inside, Topanga finally breaks down completely. Cory heads to his rental car and gets in. "Well this is gonna be a long drive." He sighs.

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