Finally Together

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Lucas and Farkle jump apart, hearing the noise. Lucas's eyes widen when he realizes that I saw it. But then, he sees my current position with Maya and raises an eyebrow.

"So... Farkle, you finally got together with your crush?" I say, trying to set the awkwardness at ease. Farkle's eyes widen. "Riley!" He exclaims, cheeks flushing.

But technically, Lucas and Maya were still together. But Maya and I almost kissed and Lucas did kiss Farkle. So they were cheating on each other? As if this wasn't complicated enough already. Lucas smirks at Farkle. "Uh..." Farkle was at a loss for words.

Okay, this was it. We needed to solve this whole mess. "Maya, wake up." I shake her gently. She was a light sleeper so it wasn't that hard to wake her up. "What?" She yawns, then notices our position. I blush and quickly untangle myself from her. "You and Lucas need to have a little... talk." I say, pulling her up with my good arm and pushing her to Lucas.

I then grab Farkle's hand and lead him to a spot behind some boxes. "We're gonna spy on them, right?" He asks.

"Oh, definitely." I reply as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

We stay dead silent, waiting for them to speak. "We need to break up." The two of them say at the same time. My mouth drops once again, and I look to Farkle. This was the happiest I've been since this whole apocalypse started. My chest flutters, hope rising. Farkle had another goofy grin on his face, his feelings matching mine.

"Wait what?" They say at the same time again. "I know why I'm breaking up with you, but why are you breaking up with me?" Lucas asks.

Maya looks down at her shoes, a light blush on her face. "I could ask you the same thing." She responds. Now it was Lucas's turn to blush. He takes a quick glance to where he last saw Farkle.

"Wait a minute." Maya says, connecting the dots. "You like Farkle!" She shouts. Lucas panics and quickly puts his hand over her mouth. Meanwhile, Farkle was doing a little happy dance.

"Farkle, calm down." I whisper. "They're going to know that we're listening." Farkle doesn't listen and continues to dance, doing some sort of funky chicken.

"Gee, why don't you say that any louder?" Lucas says, dripping sarcasm.

"Oh shut up Huckleberry." Maya rolls her eyes.

"Oh yeah? Then why don't I just shout out who you like. Don't play dumb, I've seen the way you look at her. Especially when she nearly died. MAYA LIKES-" Maya jumps on Lucas's back and slaps her hand over his mouth.

"Dang it! Why couldn't Lucas just be a little faster in saying who she likes?" I say, more to myself than Farkle.

Farkle scoffs. "Come on Riley, it's obviously you. Lucas said 'her' and the only other female here is you."

"Well maybe they're talking about someone else before this whole apocalypse happened." I say back, still doubting it. There's no way Maya could like me. There was nothing special about me. I don't have a single unique bone in my body.

"Don't you dare!" Maya hisses back at her ex-boyfriend. Lucas pulls her hand away from his mouth. "Maya likes R-ow!!!"

Maya had kicked him in the shin. "Ow!" Lucas hops around on one leg, looking like a helpless bunny. Farkle grins, looking at him. Then, I notice something on his shoulder. I give a little yelp and back away.

"What?" Farkle looks at me quizzically.

"Um... Don't panic Farkle, but there's another giant spider on your shoulder." I say slowly, staring at the creature's eight eyes. I give a little shudder.

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