Everything Is InZAYne

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"Lucas, where are we going!?" I shout at him. We had been running for 15 minutes now. We lost the zombies after about five minutes.

"My house isn't much further from here! We can stay there and think of a plan!" Lucas shouts back. I nod and follow Lucas. After about five more minutes of running, we made it to his house.

"AAAAAH!" A voice shouts. Lucas and I jump, we were expecting his house to be empty.

"Who's there!?" Lucas demands, a determined look on his face. "Show yourself!"

The person comes into our view. It was Zay.

"Zay!? What are you doing here?" Lucas asks, lowering his knife. "What, you're not gonna give me a proper greeting!?" Zay says.

"Just answer the question!" Lucas shouts. "Okay, okay. Geez Lucas, you need to calm down." Zay says, startled by his shout.

"Calm down! I can't calm down! Riley and I got separated from Farkle, Maya, and her dad!" Lucas exclaims.

"Woah, who would've thought you and Riley would be working together. What else did I miss?" Zay asks.

"Well Lucas and Maya broke up. And now Lucas is dating Farkle." I say. Zay's eyes pop out of his head. "What!? Seriously! Then what about Maya!?"

"Maya and Riley are a thing now." Lucas answers, smirking when he sees the blush on my face.

Zay's mouth drops open. "I missed all of that!? What is happening to the world!!!?"

"A zombie apocalypse. Try to keep up Zay." Lucas snarks, not in the mood. Zay raises his hands in the air for surrender. "Okay, okay."

"But seriously, what are you doing here?" Lucas asks again.

"I've been here since the apocalypse started." Zay answers, shrugging his shoulders. "It was the first place I could find to take shelter and I've been here ever since. All alone, with no one to talk to. Since I couldn't find you or your family, I honestly thought that you guys had been..." He trails off.

Lucas looks down. "My family is gone." He says.

"Oh." Zay says. "I'm sorry man, I know how you feel. My family is gone too."

Feeling like I was intruding, I walked to the living room and sat on a chair, wanting the two friends to have a moment alone. I sigh as I think about the others. I hope they're okay, they have to be okay! Were they together? Were they separated? One more question runs through my head, making my blood run cold. Were they alive?

"Hey." I hear a voice say. I look up to find Zay and Lucas sitting on the couch.

"What are we gonna do? How in the world are we gonna find them?" I ask, desperately wanting to see Maya again. And it's only been about an hour.

"There's not much we can do." Lucas says, sounding heartbroken as well. "They could be anywhere in the city, all we can do is hope that we'll find each other by luck."

"No. I'm not just gonna wait for fate to decide whether or not we'll see them again." I say, determined.

"And how do you suggest we find them?" Zay says.

"I don't know." My hope deflates. I'll see Maya again, I just have to.


It's been four long, agony filled days since I last saw Maya, Farkle, and my dad. Lucas, Zay, and I have just been lounging around the house, not sure what to do next. I just want to see Maya again, with her dazzling blue eyes that I could get lost in for days, her gorgeous golden hair, she even looks beautiful in a zombie apocalypse. The only thing that's been getting me through the days were the pictures of her Lucas still had around his house. Granted, they were all pictures of them being a couple, but they were better than nothing.

I shudder, thinking about what if she was dead. She couldn't be dead, Maya's stronger than that. It's not fair that I finally get the girl of my dreams only for us to be separated not even a day later. Hopefully, she's with my dad and Farkle.

Guilt rushes through my head. My dad and Farkle! I hadn't even thought about them at all, my only concern was Maya! Now I feel terrible, I neglected my own father and best friend.

"Hey." I hear a voice say. I tore my gaze from the floor to look up. It was Zay.

"You should get some sleep. I'm keeping first watch." Zay says, looking over at Lucas. He was curled up on the couch, drooling on a pillow. I give a little look of disgust.

"Yeah, Lucas is not a pretty sleeper." Zay says, just as disgusted as me. "But seriously, get some sleep. You look like you need it."

I nod and slowly find myself drifting to sleep, images of the three people I care most about flashing in my head.

I feel myself being jerked awake when I hear a gigantic BANG. "They're here! Again!" Lucas shouts, shoving all our supplies in a backpack once again.


The zombies were tearing the door apart and pretty soon, there would be no more door. "This is all your fault!" Zay shouts at us.

"Us!? How is it our fault!?" Lucas exclaims, grabbing his knife. "I was perfectly fine in this house with no zombies attacking me! Then you two had to show up and now they're here!" Zay complains, shuddering as the bangs get louder.

"What are we gonna do? The only exit is the one filled with zombies!" Zay says.

"We're gonna have to fight our way out!" Lucas says. "There's no other way to escape." He yells a battle cry, opened the door, and ran straight into the first zombie. He made quick work of it in no time.

Zombies started rushing in at mad speed hungry for humans. I was knocked to my feet, not expecting Lucas to open the door so fast. Unfortunately for me, I got separated from Lucas and Zay. I groan, not again! Out of the corner of my eye, I see a zombie lunging for me. I quickly rolled out of the way just in time.


Lucas killed another zombie and looked back to find Zay doing the same. Panic fills his eyes. "Where's Riley!? We can't get separated again!"

Zay shakes his head, not knowing where she is either. The two of them look behind them in the swarm of zombies, trying desperately to find her.

"RILEY!" Zay yelled.


I hear Zay shout my name. I jump to try and catch their attention. "I'm here!"

I finally catch a glimpse of Lucas and Zay. The two boys were clearing a path, making their way back to me. Meanwhile, I was battling zombie after zombie, trying to hold all of them off until reinforcements could reach me.

"Riley hang on! We're coming!" Lucas shouts.

I bash another zombie's head, decapitating it. The head goes sailing into someone's arms. Someone's human arms. "Ew!!!!!" Zay shouts in disgust and drops the head.

"Ugh!" He shouts again, sticking his tongue out. If I wasn't currently fighting for my life, I probably would've been rolling on the floor laughing at him. Lucas seemed to be holding back a snicker as well.

After we were reunited again, we made it out together. The three of us run down the street once again, not sure where to head next.

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