The End

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"Charge!" Lucas yells, flinging the door open, Zay and my dad hot on his trails. The zombies immediately begin to group among them.

"Come on!" Farkle whispers to us, gesturing for us to go. We quickly run in the side entrance and I'm immediately overwhelmed by the rotting death smell. I hold back a couple coughs as the three of us sneak down the halls. We were greeted by a couple zombies on the way but we took quick care of them.

The once familiar halls were splattered with blood and guts. It's amazing just how much things can change in a week or two, both good and bad. I glance pitifully back at my locker, where I would always watch Maya make out with a guy. Maya seemed to notice. She quickly grabs my chin and makes me look at her.

"I'm yours." She says softly.

"Guys, not the time for this!" Farkle whispers as loud as he dares. I nod and we continue to walk. The three of us make it to the lab unharmed. Farkle begins running around the lab, grabbing all the chemicals we needed. There were a couple loud slams on the door. A further glance told me that it came from some zombies. Maya quickly leaned against the door, making sure no zombies could get in.

"Uh, now would be a nice time to make the cure!" Maya exclaims, holding the door shut.

"Right!" Farkle says, grabbing the last of the chemicals. "Okay, here Riley." He shoves some in my arms.

Farkle and I work together as fast as we can. The mixture went through various shades of colors, all the way from an onyx black to vibrant yellow. Finally, once adding in the last chemical, it turned a blood red.

"You think it works?" Farkle asks, glancing at the mixture.

"It better!" I exclaim, looking back at Maya who was still holding the door closed. But then I thought of something that may be a setback.

"Uh, Farkle?" I ask.


"How exactly are we gonna spray this on the zombies?" I ask. Farkle's eyes widen when he realizes that he hadn't planned anything for that.

"Uh..." He glances around the classroom, his eyes darting back and forth before finally settling on a couple water guns located on the teacher's desk. Well isn't that just convenient, we finally get a break.

Farkle grabs the guns, quickly filling all three of them up with the mixture. He gives each of us one.

"Okay wait." Maya says. "Once I open the door, the zombies are all gonna come piling in. We need to be ready to fight back in case this cure doesn't work."

"Don't doubt the Farkle!" Farkle flips his hair again.

"Oh just shut up already." I say, grabbing my golf club in my other hand.

"Okay, ready guys?" Maya asks. Farkle and I nod our heads, positioning ourselves in the best possible way. Maya steps back from the door and it bursts open. I quickly spray a zombie and watch in fascination as the zombie faints, the color rising on its skin. Then, it gives a groan. A human groan.

"It works!" Farkle shouts and that is all we need before the three of us begin spraying like crazy. Once we turn all the zombies back into humans, we move on to the main hall.

"Dad, Lucas, Zay!?" I call, trying to find them, spraying more zombies along the way.

"That's gotta be them in there." Farkle says, pointing to where a zombie hoard was in a circle. The three of us immediately begin spraying, watching as all the zombies drop. After a couple layers of the undead fall, I finally catch a glimpse of Lucas. His eyes widen at the site of the three of us.

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