Telling The Adventure

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"Aw, you look adorable in this picture!" Maya says to me, holding the said picture in her hand. The six of us had made it to Farkle's house safely. We took care of all the precautionary measures first (boarding the windows, food, more weapons), and now we were just all casually sitting around the house.

I look at the picture and couldn't help but smile. It was from when Farkle and I were at Disneyland in 6th grade. Farkle still had his bowl cut and his turtleneck in the image, giving me nostalgia. We were sticking our colorful tongues out after eating snow cones. Maya squints at the picture, then looks at Farkle.

"Dang. Puberty hit Farkle like a truck." Maya comments, making me laugh. "You, however, still look beautiful." She says, making me blush.

I look around the house, reminiscing at all the pictures of me Farkle had around his house. I smile at one where Farkle was giving me a piggy back ride. We both had gigantic earsplitting grins in the picture.

I feel someone's arm wrap around my waist. I turn my head to meet Maya's eyes. The light was starting to come back in them, making me smile.

"Hey." She says.

"Hi." I say, pulling her closer to me and then going back to looking at all the pictures. Maya puts her head on my shoulder and we stand there, together, looking at my childhood.


"So now what do we do?" Zay finally asks the question that everyone had been trying to avoid. The six of us were in Farkle's living room, unsure of what the future holds. Farkle and Lucas were curled up on the couch together, my dad and Zay pulled up some chairs, and Maya and I sat on the carpet.

"Do you think we could actually leave the city?" Lucas asks, remembering Zay's suggestion from before that the two of us had shot down.

My dad shakes his head. "There's a giant wall surrounding the entire city. The only entrance is guarded by tons of police and other military officers."

"You never did answer my question, how did you get in the city?" Maya asks while running her fingers through my hair. I probably had an earsplitting smile on my face.

"I just ran right in after yelling at the police that they couldn't stop me. I guess they just didn't want to go in the city anyways." My dad shrugs.

"You think we could just run right out like you ran in?" Zay asks.

"Doubt it. We're supposedly under quarantine. If we ran out, the police would just make us go back in, in case we contracted the supposed virus." My dad says, shaking his head. "Hey, I forgot to ask you guys. Do you know how this whole apocalypse started?"

Farkle gives a little squeak that resembled a mouse. My dad looks to Farkle. "Farkle, what did you do?" He asks, afraid to know the answer.

"It was an accident, I swear!" Farkle shouts all defensively. He quickly sits up but then regrets his movement. He winces and slowly lies back down on Lucas's lap.

"I should've just murdered that man." Lucas growls, eyes starting to darken in anger.

"Wait, you guys saw that man too?" My dad asks.

"Yeah." Zay replies. "We went to a store to raid more supplies and had a little run in with the man. Lucas had a fight with him while I got trapped in a bunch of items and something hit Riley in the head. That's what caused her amnesia." Zay starts to explain.

"And there was all that blood on the floor, when the man said he shot Farkle, I thought he was dead." I say, beginning to pale at the thought. Farkle and I had been through thick and thin, whatever life threw at us we promised we would stick together. Granted, I never thought that we would actually be in a zombie apocalypse together.

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