Cemetery Disaster

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School is finally out! Today has just been hectic. Farkle and I always walk home together, it's like a tradition. We've done it almost every single school day. "Hang on Riley. We're gonna need to take a detour to the science lab. I need to take some chemicals so I can finish my project." Farkle says. Farkle grabs an assortment of all kinds of stuff that I didn't recognize.

We walk back into the hallway to see Lucas, once again. He looked like he was waiting for us. We both freeze, not sure of what to do. Lucas slowly but menacingly makes his way over to us. Why were we having so many confrontations with this guy!?

"If it isn't the nerd and the loser." Lucas insults us once again. Farkle and I were used to these kind of names, it happened every day. I never actually done anything to stop it before but I promised myself that it was time to make this my world.

"Just leave us alone." I sigh, tired from everything that has happened today. "Oh, I don't think I will." Lucas sneers.

"I'm surprised he can even think." I mumble to Farkle under my breath. Lucas hears and his eyes darken once again. This time, I'm the one being slammed into the locker. I wince in pain as my back makes contact with the metal. I hear Farkle struggling and look over to see two other jocks holding him so he's unable to help me. His chemistry set was discarded randomly on the floor.

Lucas had eyes of fury. "I'm going to make you sorry you were ever born." Lucas growls out. My eyes widen in fear. We had attracted a crowd once again. I hear some scuffling before Maya shoves her way to the front. Her eyes widen at the scene in front of her. I guess it was a pretty terrifying sight, at least to me it was.

Lucas's muscles were rippling and he was gripping my arms so tight that they turned purple. Farkle, desperate to stop Lucas, bit one of the jock's hands. The jock yelps in surprise and quickly retracts his hand. Before Farkle can break free from the other jock's grip, another one comes and holds him down. Eventually, they get fed up with his struggling and one of the jocks gives him a hard blow on the head. Farkle drops to the ground, unconscious. He seemed to be doing that a lot today.

I look back into the green eyes of death. No one can save me now. I gulp. Lucas smirks at the sound. "Not so tough anymore, huh?" He says, enjoying the moment.

His hand then collides with my face. The pain is overwhelming and my vision goes black. I feel Lucas raise his hand to punch me again but it stops. "A teacher's coming!" Someone shouts. Lucas quickly scrambles away, not wanting to get suspended again. His jocks follow him. I slump down onto the ground. I gingerly touch my eye and all I feel is excruciating pain. I don't know how Farkle deals with this every day. I feel someone's hand touch my shoulder and I flinch away.

"I'm not gonna hurt you." A soft voice says. It was Maya. She gently grabs my hand and pulls me up on my feet. "Come on, let's get you to the nurse's office."

"F-Farkle." I manage to get one word out. He was still unconscious on the ground. Maya understands what I'm trying to say and calls one of her friends over. It was Zay. He was also on the football team but unlike the rest, he was actually nice and wasn't a jerk. Zay picks Farkle up and slings him over his shoulder.

"Come on Riley." Maya says. She knew my name? What was happening to the world? No wonder my dad says he never understood the universe at all. She slowly guides me to the nurse's office, Zay right behind us with Farkle in his arms.

She leads me into the clinic. I sit down in one of the seats. Zay sets Farkle down on a bed. Zay leaves right after, without a goodbye. Maya flashes a glance at me before also leaving. The nurse comes out. "You two again!?"


After Farkle had woken up and another lecture from the nurse, we left the clinic. I held an ice pack to my eye while Farkle had a bandage around his head. He had a minor concussion. "Let's just go home already." I mumble out. Farkle nods. "I still need to get more chemicals though." He says.

I sigh, exasperated. He could be such a nerd sometimes. "Fine." I say. After another trip to the science lab, we finally make it out of the front doors. I just want to get home already.

"I'm sorry." Farkle finally says while we were walking home. "What for?" I ask.

"For not being able to protect you. I let you down." Farkle whispers, looking down at his shoes. I gently grab his chin and lift it so we were eye to eye. "You could never let me down Farkle." I say sincerely. "But-" Farkle begins to protest but I shut him up. We continue our walk in silence.

"Let's take the shortcut through the cemetery." I finally say. We were already so late and I had a pile of homework I had to do.

"Are you crazy Riley!? Two words: dead people!" Farkle protests.

"Come on Farkle, it's not that bad. Don't you wanna get home already?" I reason.

Farkle finally agrees, after much convincing on my part. We enter the cemetery and I immediately get chills. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea but then I thought about my warm bed. We picked our speed up, wanting to get out of here as fast as possible.

But, this is when disaster strikes. While speed walking, Farkle trips over a stray root from a tree. The chemicals fly out of his hands and spill onto the ground. "Oh man! I needed those!" Farkle complains.

A gnarly hand pops out of the ground, startling us. "Uh... What's that?" I squeak out, paralyzed in fear. I can feel Farkle shaking as well. We watch in fear as the rest of the body comes out of the ground. His face was sunken and eyes unfocused. There was drool at the corner of his mouth, craving something. The rotting smell made me want to throw up my lunch. Farkle and I look at each. We then scream at the top of our lungs and run as fast as we can out of the cemetery.

The thing was following us. As we ran back out into the street, I collide with someone and fall. "I'm sorry! I wasn't looking!" The person apologizes. I look up to see sparkling blue eyes. Maya...

Farkle quickly helps me up. "No time for talking! We need to go! Now!" He urgently says while jogging in place, making him look like he had to use the bathroom.

"Why?" Maya asks. A loud moan answers the question for us. The three of us turn around to find the thing standing there, slowly shuffling its way towards us. We scream once again and run. "Into my house!" I manage to rasp out. We run to my door.

"Your keys!" Farkle shouts. "Um, right." I fumble in my pockets, trying to find the little piece of metal that would be our savior. Meanwhile, the zombie was getting closer and closer.

"Hurry Riley!" Farkle shouts once again. I finally find the key and unlock the door. The three of us run in. Farkle turns to try and close the door but is stopped when an arm stuck out, making the door unable to close and producing louder screams from the three of us.

Farkle fumbles, trying to close the door. Finally, Maya grabs a random tennis racket that was lying on the table. She whacks the hand, causing it to recoil. Farkle seizes the opportunity and finally closes the door, locking it.

We all sigh in relief. "What just happened!?" Maya exclaims, her gaze still transfixed on the door.

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