More Disasters

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"Who's there!?" A voice calls out. Maya, Farkle, and Cory freeze. They were raiding another grocery store for more supplies.

A man walks out of the shadows, with a gun in his hand. The three of them tense up, eyeing the weapon fearfully. "What are you doing?" He asks gruffly, looking at Farkle's full backpack.

"Uh, just getting supplies." Farkle squeaks, not taking his eyes off the gun. The man narrows his eyes. "You stealing them?"

Farkle's eyes widen. "Um, no!" He tries to lie. "N-not at all!" He stutters, not sure what to say.

"DUCK!" Cory shouts. Maya, Farkle, and Cory all jump out of the way, just as the man fires the bullet. The man growls at his wasted ammunition and aims at Farkle once again. A loud scream tells him that he found his target.

"Farkle!" Maya shouts. Cory grows red in the face and tackles the guy before he could load his gun again. The two men wrestle around on the ground, both trying to reach for the gun. Meanwhile, Maya runs over to Farkle. The bullet was lodged in his shoulder and blood was pouring out. Farkle took a glance at his wound before looking at Maya, fear in his eyes.

"You'll be okay." Maya reassures him. She grabs the backpack and drags Farkle to a safer place. She glances back at Cory wrestling with the other man. Cory had the upper hand now, managing to gain control over the gun. He slams the gun into the man's head knocking him out.

"How is he!?" Cory shouts worriedly, making his way over to Maya and Farkle. He still had the gun in his hand. Looks like they found a new weapon.

"He's losing blood fast!" Maya says while trying to stop the blood. "Are we gonna have to remove the bullet?" Cory asks, panicking. His daughter's best friend has just been shot.

"Usually you only need to remove it if it's near any vital organs." Farkle says through his teeth, the pain in his shoulder overwhelming him. "Just try to clean the wound and stop the blood flow."

Maya nods, putting a little more pressure on his wound. Cory grabs the first aid kit out of the backpack. He takes the bandages out and gently wraps Farkle's shoulder. "We have to move." Cory says, looking around the place.

"Come on Farkle." Cory carries Farkle in his arms. Maya slings the backpack over her shoulder. "Let's go." She says.


"That was disgusting! Bleh!" Zay sticks his tongue out again. Lucas, Zay, and I were seeking refuge in an abandoned bank. The place was completely empty and any sudden noise would echo, alerting us immediately if needed.

Lucas and I couldn't stifle our laughter anymore. "Haha, very funny." Zay rolls his eyes at us. I smile, the first genuine one I've had since I got separated from Maya. Leave it up to Zay to somehow turn a zombie apocalypse funny.

"Okay, so now what do we do? We can't stay at this bank forever." I say, turning the gears in my head. There's gotta be somewhere else we could go.

"Maybe we could leave the city." Zay suggests. "No!" Lucas and I immediately shout.

"Okay, okay! So you don't like that idea." Zay grumbles. "There's two reasons we can't leave. One, I'm not leaving without Maya, Farkle, and my dad. Two, the government blocked off exits to New York City. Nobody can get in or out, except my dad apparently." I say.

"What? They're just gonna leaves us trapped in here?" Zay says.

"Apparently so. At least until they can find an antidote for the zombies." Lucas answers.

"Stupid government." Zay grumbles.

"Well, we're gonna need more supplies." Lucas says while looking in the backpack. "All we have is a first aid kit and a couple more cans of beans."

"Alright, let's go." I say, happy we found something to do. The bank was starting to creep me out. It felt like we were being watched.


I gasp at the sight of the store. There had obviously been a fight here and there was still fresh blood all over the floor. There was a man that was lying unconscious on the ground. "Is he dead?" Zay asks, stepping over the body.

"It looks like he's still breathing. Should we help him?" Lucas asks skeptically. Before Zay or I could answer, the man's eyes fly open. He screams upon seeing us and slams Lucas to the wall.

"Who are you!?" He growls. Lucas responds by punching the man in his face and flips their position so the man was now backed on the wall.

"You stupid kids! Always stealing!" The man growls. Lucas raises his fist to punch the man again. "Wait Lucas!" I shout.

"Who was here before?" I ask the man. "Why should I tell you, you stupid bitch!?" The man shouts. Lucas's eyes turn dark and he punches the man again. "Answer her question!" He growls.

"Two kids and a man." The man says while spitting out blood. "Describe them." I demand. Was it them? It had to be them!

"There was a girl and a boy. The girl had blonde hair, the boy had brown. The man had curly brown hair." The man growls out.

"That's them! It has to be them!" I say excitedly. They were alive! And they were probably close by, judging by the fresh blood. My smile fades when I realize something. "Wait a minute, why is there so much blood on the floor? Was one of them hurt!?" I ask desperately.

The man's mouth curves into a twisted sneer. "I shot the boy."

Zay's eyes pop out of his head. I give a gasp. Farkle! He can't be dead, he can't! Lucas's eyes darken completely. He tightens his grip on the man, muscles bulging. "You did what!?" He roars.

The man didn't seem to be afraid. I didn't like the look in his eye. He wrenches himself out of Lucas's tight grip. While doing this, he knocks over a whole aisle. Zay and I try to escape the crashing items but we aren't fast enough. A pan knocks me right on the head, sending me into a haze and blurring my vision.

Everything seemed muffled. I look around, trying to make sense of everything. I saw a whole pile of junk with someone buried under them. Was it Zay? The pounding in my head intensified. I hear someone screaming, Lucas. I make out two figures that were currently fighting with each other. One of them sends the other crashing into another aisle. Figure two slumped down, unconscious. There was another sharp, stabbing pain from my head.

Figure one makes his way over to the pile of junk and unburies the guy in there. The guy that was in there stands up. They both make their way over to me. I flinch away from them. "S-stay back!" I shout nervously.

The two of them send me confused looks. "Riley, what are you talking about?" One of them asks me, the dark-skinned one.

"I don't know how you know my name or who you are, but stay back!" I say desperately, scrambling away from them.

The two of them look at each other. "This can't be good." One of them says.

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