Zombie Attack

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"Riley! Wake up!" Someone's voice said with urgency. I feel myself being shook awake. I blink warily, eyes focusing to reveal Maya's worried face.

"Maya?" I murmur. "What's going on?"

"They're here." She says. Those two simple words make my blood run cold. I didn't need anyone to tell me who 'they' are. Now that I'm awake, I hear Lucas and Farkle scrambling around, frantically shoving all of our supplies into a backpack. Farkle tosses me my golf club.

"We gotta go now!" Lucas shouts urgently as more bangs are heard. He grabs a couple knives, giving the rest to Farkle. Maya had her baseball bat in her hand.

"Where are we gonna go!?" Farkle shouts, eyes wild with panic. He was shaking, growing paler by the second as the banging increases in noise. "Anywhere but here!" Lucas answers firmly.

We sneak out using the back door. But of course, it's not that easy. A couple zombies were waiting for us there. Lucas immediately jumped and starting slashing at them, Farkle joining in seconds later. The two of them were a tag team, Farkle weakening each zombie with cuts before Lucas goes in for the kill, decapitating each zombie head.

Unfortunately for us, the sound of fighting attracted more zombies. We were surrounded. "Back to back everyone!" Lucas shouts. I feel Farkle and Maya on either side of me. This goes on for a while, us just defeating every zombie that comes near us. I was starting to get in the swing of things, literally.

I bash zombie head after zombie head, feeling disgusted. It seemed as if there was an infinite swarm of zombies. As soon as I killed one, another one would immediately take it's place.

I hear Maya scream. I turn my neck so fast that I might as well have given myself whiplash. Fortunately, she was okay. A zombie had managed to disarm her and was about to maul her but luckily, Lucas quickly lodged his knife into the zombie's skull, effectively killing it.

Unfortunately for me, my momentary distraction had left me vulnerable to the zombies. One of them managed to slash my arm. I cry out in pain as I watch my blood flow out. The cut was deep, possibly down to the bone. Before I know it, I started getting dizzy. My surroundings were fading quickly. Last thing I hear was someone shout my name and a pair of blue eyes before all fades to black...


"Wait, I think she's waking up." I hear someone say. I groan in pain. My arm was killing me. I slowly open my eyes to see Farkle's concerned face staring back at me. His face lights up.

"Riley!" He gathers me in a tight hug. I look over his shoulder to find Lucas and Maya, each sporting their own relieved looks on their face. "What happened?" I ask woozily, touching my arm with the cut. It had been stitched up sloppily and radiated pain.

"That zombie cut your arm right open. It was bad, down to the bone. Your blood was everywhere." Farkle confirms my suspicions. His face was smeared with blood, probably my own. "Lucky for you, we found a first aid kit and Maya stitched it up so it won't get infected."

I slowly nod trying to take everything in. "Where are we?" I ask while surveying the new environment. The place was old and dusty with random boxes stacked everywhere. There was only one working light, and it was flashing on and off, giving the place an eerie feeling.

"An abandoned warehouse." Lucas answers for Farkle. He makes his way over to me and sits down next to me. "You okay?" He asks, genuine concern on his face. He really had changed.

"I'm fine." I mumble gingerly touching my injury. I wince and give a little whimper. Farkle, Lucas, and Maya all grow concerned looks on their face, hearing the little noise.

"Are you sure?" Lucas asks, eyeing my arm. I nod my head.

"I'm gonna check this place out, see if there's anything we can use as more supplies." Farkle announces. "I'll help." Lucas offers. Farkle's cheeks light aflame as the two of them walk together.

"Hey." Maya says, sitting down next to me. "Hi." I say back, looking at my arm again.

"Sorry about the stitching being sloppy. My hand was shaking like crazy." Maya apologizes. "It's fine Maya. You're perfect." I then realize what I just said.

Maya's eyes widen. "What?"

"Uh, I said it's perfect." I recover from my fumble, trying to make myself look indifferent to not give anything away. I finally get the chance to take a good look at her. Her hair was smeared with blood, making it a blood red color. Farkle was right, my blood really did go everywhere. She had scratches all over her face, rips in her clothes, and a split lip. She still looked beautiful to me.

"Is that my blood?" I ask, looking back at her hair. "Yeah, I was carrying you and trying to stop the bleeding at the same time." She answers. I flush red at the thought of Maya carrying me.

Maya looks back at me. "Are you sure you're okay? You're turning red. Maybe you have a fever." She says and holds her hand to my forehead.

"I'm fine!" I say, desperately trying to tone down my blush. I try to stand up but immediately fall. Maya catches me, wraps her arm around my waist, and gently lays me back down. Her touch makes me feel like I'm at home, even though my home was probably destroyed by the zombies at this point.

"Take it easy, you lost a lot of blood." Maya says softly, her eyes full of concern. I look down at her arms, which were still around me before looking back up. We lock eyes and stare at each other for a while, neither of us saying a word. Slowly, we begin to lean in. Oh god, is this actually happening!? When we're only a couple centimeters apart, we hear a high pitched shriek. We quickly break away from our almost kiss, turning our heads in the direction of the scream.

I feel disappointed and relief at the same time. While I would've loved for us to actually kiss, Maya was still with Lucas. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I wouldn't do that to him.

"Lucas, Farkle, is everything okay!?" Maya shouts. Farkle comes running into my vision, still screaming. Lucas sprints after him, fly swatter in his hand.

"Get it off me! Get it off me!" Farkle shrieks, running in circles. There was a gigantic spider on his back. I squeak at the size of that thing, it was nearly the size of my hand.

"If you could just hold still, then I can!" Lucas yells, exasperated. Lucas chases Farkle for a bit, with Maya and I watching the scene, amused. Farkle ends up tumbling into a pile of boxes face first. Lucas chuckles at this and finally manages to whack the insect off, stomping on it, effectively killing the creature.

"Thanks." Farkle says, his voice raspy from all the running.

The rest of the night was long for me, pain shooting through my arm every time I moved it. The only thing that made it better was the fact that Maya had fallen asleep with her arms still wrapped around me. Lucas and Farkle were still up, talking.

I couldn't help but snuggle into Maya's body. She was the only thing that distracted me from the pricks and needles that I felt. I know that I said that I didn't want to hurt Lucas, but he wasn't even paying attention to us anyways. He was too busy laughing with Farkle, giving him his upmost and undivided attention.

I think back to the almost kiss. What would have happened if Farkle hadn't interrupted us? Would we be together? Would Maya have claimed that it was an accident and be disgusted? Why does everything have to be so confusing?

Maya mumbles in her sleep and curls up into my chest. My face probably resembled a tomato at this point. I glance back at Farkle and Lucas and give a gasp in surprise. I rub my eyes, trying to make sure I wasn't hallucinating from the blood loss. They were kissing, lip locking, making out, whatever you want to call it!

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