The Plan

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Zay, Maya, and I were just talking for a while (though Maya and I may have done a little more than talking) when Farkle runs to us and slams a bunch of dusty, heavy books on the table. Lucas and my dad casually make their way to the table, amused at Farkle's eagerness.

"What the?" My dad says, looking at me. "Maya, get off my daughter's lap!"

I roll my eyes. My dad is just too overprotective, I mean he left mom and Auggie just to come here. "Calm down dad. It's not like we were doing anything."

Zay gives a little snicker, at which I send him a glare. "Okay, we weren't doing anything bad." I correct myself.

"Mr. Matthews, this is no time to play the overprotective papa bear!" Farkle shushes everyone. He grabs one of the ancient books and flips to chapter one. Farkle scans the page, looking for anything to help. He looks up when he realizes we were all just looking at him.

"What are you guys all looking at me for? I'm not gonna read all these books by myself! Get cracking!" The genius shouts at us. And with that, everyone groaned but nonetheless grabbed a book. I couldn't concentrate though, not when the most beautiful girl in the world is sitting on my lap.

"Thanks." Maya says. Oh wait, did I say that out loud?

She leans in to kiss me again but we're stopped by him. "No kissing!" My dad exclaims, sending the two of us a glare. He marches over to us and pushes Maya off my lap. "You." My dad says, pointing at Maya. "Are going to sit over there." He points to the seat farthest away from me. "And you." My dad points to me. "Are going to stay here."

"Come on dad! I thought you said you approved of her." I complain, already missing having Maya on my lap. Lucas and Zay were eagerly watching the scene while Farkle was still engrossed in his book.

"I said that she could be your girlfriend. I never said you guys can kiss!" My dad says. "Especially not in front of me."

"Are you seriously still gonna play this protective dad role?" I ask him, raising an eyebrow. "It's not like Maya is ever gonna hurt me." I state confidently, sending Maya a goofy, lopsided grin. She returns it with a smile of her own.

"No!" My dad says, looking back and forth between the two of us. "No, no, no!" He puts a book in my face, blocking my view of Maya.

"I could watch this all day. It's way better entertainment than what's on TV." Zay says, closing his book and watching intently. Lucas sends him another strange look. "Stop judging me!" Zay shouts again.

I move my head, wanting to see Maya again. I catch a quick glance of her before my dad blocks my view again. We do this for a while, before I finally get fed up with it. I slap the book out of his hand.

"Dad, stop already!" I scowl. My dad crosses his arms. "No!" He pouts like a child.

"I GOT IT!" Farkle shouts, startling the rest of us. He looks up for the first time since he started reading the book and raises an eyebrow at us. "Yeah, I'm not gonna ask." He shakes his head, getting back on track.

"Wait, so you actually found a cure?" Lucas asks.

"Sort of." Farkle begins scribbling a bunch of words on a scrap piece of paper. "So we all know that the apocalypse started when I spilled those chemicals on that grave. I think I have found a combination of chemicals that, when sprayed on the zombies, should turn them back to humans." He says, a hint of pride in his voice.

"You're serious?" Zay asks in disbelief.

"Well, most likely it should work." Farkle says hesitantly. "There is a slight chance that it won't, but that's just a small chance!"

I grab the paper from him, reading the list of chemicals he wrote. "The only way we can have access to all these is if we go to the school." I say, looking up.

"Let me see." My dad says, grabbing the paper from me. While he was distracted, I snuck my way over to Maya.

"Hey." I said, sitting down next to her. Before Maya can say anything to me, my dad realizes my true motives. "No!" He shouts, flinging the paper back at Farkle before pulling me away from Maya.

"Oh come on!" I pout, irked that my plan didn't work. "Dad, you can't stop me from kissing Maya." I say stubbornly.

"That doesn't mean I can't try." My dad replies, just as stubborn as I was.

"Back to the real problem here, you know, the zombie apocalypse." Farkle says, getting fed up with us. "Riley's right. The only way I can make the cure is if we go to the school's chemistry lab."

"Easier said than done." Lucas says.

"That doesn't mean we can't try." Farkle says. "What's the harm in trying?"

"Uh, serious harm!" Zay exclaims. "Serious, serious harm! One of us could get turned into a zombie or what if your so called cure doesn't work?"

"Hey, don't doubt the Farkle!" Farkle responds, doing his little hair flip he does when he refers to himself in third person. It worked better when he had his bowl cut though.

"What do you mean don't doubt the Farkle?" Zay says. "Just moments ago you were doubting yourself!"

"Don't question the Farkle either!" Farkle flips his hair again. "Now who's in?"

Everyone else looks at each other, wary of Farkle's plan. It could possibly get us killed, but it could also possibly end the apocalypse as well. I think back to the beginning of the apocalypse, where Farkle had suggested trying to find someone else. And we did find someone else, we found Lucas. His plan seemed to work then, maybe it'll work now. All I gotta do is trust him.

"I'm in." I say. "I trust Farkle."

Farkle flashes me a smile, thanking me for believing in him. "If Riley's in, then I'm in." Maya says, seconds later.

Lucas agrees as well, leaving only my dad and Zay. The four of us look at the two of them, waiting for them.

"Fine, I'm in." My dad eventually says.

We then turn to Zay. "No!" He shouts again. "I do not want to be a zombie!"

"Okay, I guess we'll just go to the school and leave you here all alone. By yourself. In a zombie apocalypse." Maya says in a sing song voice, making me even more attracted to her.

Zay frowns. "Wait a minute. What?"

"Come on guys, let's go." Maya says, gesturing for us to leave.

"Now hold on just a second!" Zay panics.

The five of us are at the door, about to open it when Zay shouts at us to stop. "Fine okay! You win! I'm in!"

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