Water Fight

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I shriek in surprise. Farkle had blasted me with a water gun. "Take that!" He shouts. I retaliate with my own. It was like we were little kids again, before all this heartbreak and drama took place. I duck behind one of the walls. I see Farkle in my vision, carefully surveying the area, trying to find where I went. I jump out of my hiding spot and unleash all of the water on him.

"Agh, it's cold!" He squeals. He even sounds like a little kid again, with that high pitched voice. I smirk in victory but am quickly defeated when I feel the spray of the cool water right in my face.

"Farkle!" I yell, jumping in surprise. He responds by tackling me to the floor. We were face to face now only centimeters apart, with him on top of me. He was relatively light.

"Admit that I won!" Farkle shouts and aims his gun at me. "Never" I shout back and flip him off. We fool around a little more, but we stop when we feel two pairs of eyes on us. Lucas had an amused, cocky expression on his face while Maya was just laughing at our goofiness.

"Really people? We're in the middle of a zombie apocalypse and you decide that the best way to spend your time is to have a water fight?" Lucas raises an eyebrow. I've had enough of this guy. How in the world can Farkle like him?

"Well it's better than making out in the bathroom!" I shoot back. Maya and Lucas instantly flush red at my words. While it feels like another stab in the chest, watching them sit so close to each other, I mask my sorrow with humor. "Don't let us stop your fun." I say in what was supposed to be a joking tone, but it came out bitter. Hopefully they didn't notice.

Farkle was looking at the newly reunited couple, his smile from before disappearing. To distract him from his own wallows, I tackle him again. "Come on Farkle, you gotta do better than that."

Farkle smirks. "Oh, I will." He says mysteriously. I didn't like the look on his face. Uh oh. Farkle pushes me off and flips me on my back, pinning my arms to the ground. He grabs his water gun and sprays me everywhere. My screams are drowned as I'm completely soaked.

Lucas scoffs, watching us. "Real mature guys."

Farkle and I look at each other and silently agree on what we were gonna do. We stand up and grab our guns, aiming them at Lucas. Lucas's smirk fades. He tries to run but it was too late. Farkle and I fire our guns, nailing him right in his pretty boy freak face.

"Ah!" Lucas screams and runs away from us. Now we were all soaked except Maya. I give a devil grin before aiming my gun back at the blonde beauty. Her eyes widen, realizing what I was about to do. Like Lucas, she tries to flee but can't escape the liquid. She squeals in surprise, and runs in the same direction as Lucas.

"That was fun." I smile genuinely. Farkle was laughing his butt off. "Did you hear Lucas? He sounded like a dying donkey!" He bends over the table, slamming his hand on it. Maybe it was because of the heartbreak, or maybe it was because of the zombie apocalypse, or maybe it was because I was losing it, but I join in with Farkle's laughter. We probably looked like madmen, with our drenched clothes, wet hair, and undying laughs.

I hear the click of two water guns. Farkle and I turn around to find Lucas and Maya, each with their own water guns in our hands. "What was that about me sounding like a dying donkey?" Lucas asks, his smirk returning. Farkle and I look at each other in panic. Our guns were empty.

"Run!" Farkle shouts and he bolts away with lightning speed. Lucas chases after him.

Meanwhile, Maya was still pointing her water gun at me. I slowly raise my hands in surrender. "Okay Maya, I surrender." I say slowly backing away from her. "Oh no. You should have thought about this before you blasted me." Maya says and takes a couple steps forward.

I stutter, trying to find some words to get me out of this situation. While doing this, I take the chance to look at Maya. Her hair was darker and damp, clinging to her face. Her eyes were bright, with no traces of last night's disaster. She looked beautiful, she always looked beautiful. In the distance, I hear Farkle and Lucas's shouts. I smile at the sound. Looks like Farkle was finally getting to spend some time with his crush. Unable to find any words, I turn and flee, just like Farkle. Maya was hot on my trails, spraying my back.

But, I forgot the fact that I'm Riley Super Klutz. So, of course, while I'm running, I end up tripping. Maya doesn't slow down fast enough and follows my example, landing right on top of me. My heart pounds in my chest as our faces are millimeters apart. I feel her luscious curls on my face. "Got you." Maya says in a sing song voice, taking advantage of our current position. She blasts me right in my face. Why does everyone always have to aim at my face!?

"Maya!!!!!" I gargle out with a mouth full of water. Maya laughs at the sound, and finally stops when there's no more water left in her gun. I spit my mouthful of water out. "Bleh!" I say.

Maya laughs. "You're adorable." She says and playfully kisses me on my nose. I hear Farkle give a little gasp of surprise. I look over to find Farkle and Lucas, standing there and watching us. They saw the whole thing. Well, Farkle did. Lucas was too busy staring at Farkle, his eyebrows furrowed and deep in thought. Maya gets off me and goes to hug Lucas. Lucas snaps out of it and hugs her back.

Farkle helps me up. "What was that all about?" He whispers to me. I glance at Lucas and Maya to make sure they weren't listening. They weren't, they had starting kissing once again.

"I have no idea." I answer truthfully. "But what was THAT about? Lucas was staring at you for like two minutes!"

Farkle looks shocked. "Really? He was!?" He says, a little too excited. I nod my head.

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