"Mike, you craptacular shit bag."
The aforementioned male looked up at the sound of his name, seemingly unfazed by the insults that had been tacked on along with it. Levi's lack of eloquence seemed to be an accepted and expected occurrence in the office, which made it exceedingly easy to gauge who the new interns were based solely on their shocked expressions. I was the only one who might have actually looked like I belonged at Survey Corp. because I had already grown accustomed to Levi's colorful choice of vernacular. That was, of course, the extent of my comfort level in this place. I felt nothing but awkward as I walked between Erwin and Levi as they strode over to Mike; I must have looked like a mouse caught between two lions.
Armin was seated beside Mike, wearing an expression of unparalleled discomfort. He had clearly done as Levi had asked, and by the look on his face I had to wonder if he had even used the same expressive language that Levi had demanded. I had to admit, I admired him for that. Armin was often mistaken as being meek, but he was incredibly strong when it came to getting the job done. He was never one to disappoint his superiors, which meant he had already won one of Levi's internship offers before the competition even started.
I tried not to linger on the fact that he would have won the position regardless, where Erwin was concerned. The president's interest in my best friend was going to make it considerably harder for me to attempt doing this favor for Levi. I couldn't exactly seduce a man when I was constantly fighting back the urge to punch him in the head. It would be like trying to seduce Jean.
I shuddered in disgust, earning a questioning look for Levi.
"The food, right?"
"Uh, yeah." I wasn't about to draw any further attention to where my mind had wandered.
"See, Mike," he called the other man's attention. Levi had his arms folded, but lifted one arm and gave a waving flick of his wrist to point in my direction. "You've already made one of our interns sick and he hasn't even touched the food. What were you thinking with bringing them here? It's filthy."
"Well, it's closer to the mailroom, and it's where most of them will probably be eating on a regular basis," Mike gave a small shrug, "I figured they may as well get used to it now."
"When they've spent a day in the mail room, this food will be fucking bliss," Levi retorted and grabbed the sandwich in front of Armin, which had remained untouched this entire time. He tossed it in the garbage and looked back at Mike, "But for their first day, let's at least show them what they're working towards."
Levi snatched up a napkin, wiping his already clean hand as if the sandwich had dirtied it in some way. Mike let out a sigh before standing. "Come on, group. We're heading back upstairs.
"Can I bring my sandwich?" Sasha was muffled between bites as she tried to scarf down what remained on her plate.
"You've ate enough at this point that you'll be enjoying that sandwich all night," Levi commented, eyeing the food on her plate with a look of complete distaste.
"I don't know about that," I muttered, "Sasha has a steel stomach. She could probably lick this whole floor and be-"
"Oh god, that's disgusting!" Levi waved his hands in front of himself as if he couldn't bear to hear more. I had to fight to keep the smile off my face, pleased to have elicited such a strong reaction from him. Filth and filthy language seemed to be the only things I could use to get under his skin.
"Well, now that Levi won't be eating for the remainder of the day," Erwin spoke up with a charming smile and gestured towards the elevator, "Shall we head upstairs?"

The Intern
Fanfiction( I DO NOT OWN THIS STORY) IM PUTTING THIS ON HERE FOR BETTER ACCESS TO THE STORY. I AM IN NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM EDITING THIS. IM JUST COPY AND PASTING "Armin was convinced that it was the opportunity of a lifetime, but Eren just saw it as just anot...