"Oh my god. Levi, whose blood is that?"
Petra's terrified words were not the first thing I expected to hear when waking up, but after the dream I'd had they weren't surprising at all. He'd been more violent than I could have ever imagined, and now that I could see the blood on his hands I knew what he was capable of. Somehow I think I always knew. Somewhere in the depths of my mind I had known exactly what Levi was going to do when he left The Wall. I'd anticipated this to the point that my mind had conjured up a front row seat to the beating.
And I enjoyed it.
"You know exactly whose it is," Levi muttered, snatching a black cloth from one of the tables as he walked past. He leaned against the bar and started wiping at his hand, a look of utter distaste coloring his features as he stared at the blood. "Filthy."
"His father?" Petra pushed, pointing at me as if Levi would have trouble putting two and two together. "Are you crazy?"
"Well, mad is another word for crazy," Levi replied, his expression bored as he continued to clean. "And since I'm fucking pissed off right now, then yea. I'm crazy."
Petra was silent for a long moment and then she whispered the one thing we were all wondering. "Did you kill him?"
Levi rolled his eyes and threw the napkin down on the counter. "Don't be ridiculous, Petra. Of course I didn't kill him."
"Shame," Mikasa muttered, drawing my attention to her for the first time since she arrived. I must have been asleep when she walked in.
"Don't think it didn't cross my mind," Levi smirked, glancing over at her before he busied himself with cleaning his nails. I wasn't sure if it was my dad's blood or the idea of blood in general that had him so desperate to get it off his skin.
"Well, he's still upstairs," Mikasa offered.
"And there's not a witness to be seen," Levi agreed, a small smirk still toying on the corners of his mouth. I wasn't entirely sure whether they were joking or not.
Somehow I didn't think they were.
"Okay, can we just stop for a second and realize how fucked up this is?" Petra snapped; trying to pull the conversation away from the dark path it was taking. I'd never seen her look so concerned and the fact that she was willing to lecture Levi at all made me wonder how serious this really was.
"Which part?" Levi asked, although it was obvious he wasn't interested in the answer.
"How about the part where you went and beat the shit out of his dad?"
"His dad?" Levi repeated the words as if they tasted vile in his mouth. "Listen to me, Petra. Look at me and listen. Just because Eren is one of that fucker's sperm blossoms doesn't make him his dad. That's a title you earn, and you don't do it by beating the shit out of your son just because you don't agree with who he is."
"Fine, call him whatever you want."
"Whatever," Petra replied, throwing up her hands, "I really don't care about his name or the condition you left him in. He had it coming, and I'm sure he deserved even worse. But Levi, he can come after you for this."
"Let him."
"I don't think you-"
"Oh, I understand perfectly," Levi cut her off, his voice sharp with anger, his eyes narrowing, "I know exactly what I did up there, and you know what? I wouldn't take any of it back. He hurt Eren, Petra. He beat the shit out of him. He touched what's mine, and he's lucky I didn't kill him for that."

The Intern
Fanfiction( I DO NOT OWN THIS STORY) IM PUTTING THIS ON HERE FOR BETTER ACCESS TO THE STORY. I AM IN NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM EDITING THIS. IM JUST COPY AND PASTING "Armin was convinced that it was the opportunity of a lifetime, but Eren just saw it as just anot...