I couldn't decide whether I was thrilled or pissed off that Levi actually wanted to get me into his bed. The idea that he wanted to get me out of his system made me feel as though I were some drug that had tainted his body and needed to be cleaned away. It made me feel dirty to the point that I wasn't sure if I was willing to have him this way. Of course, that thought made the majority of my body scream in protest. I had been so intent on having him that I decided I would take him in any way he would have me, and that included a one time fling to scrub the urge away.
But still, was I willing to be used by him? I was almost certain it would break me if I allowed it to happen. I was in too deep at this point and I was more than well aware of that fact. His body wasn't the only thing I craved and I knew that having a taste of him would only bury me deeper. This one-way obsession was going to end up snapping what little sanity I had left, and I had no choice but to let it happen. There was no escaping him and I didn't even want to try. Levi had become my sanctuary in an otherwise chaotic world that was spinning out of control.
Despite all of that, I could not fight back the rage I felt inside. "So you're just going to use me?"
"Use you?" Levi scoffed at my choice of words, even though his had been no better. "You make it sound like I'm expecting you to lay there like some fucking blow up doll. You do realize you're going to enjoy it, too, right?"
"Isn't that a little arrogant?"
"It would be incredibly arrogant if it were anyone but me," he retorted, angling his head to glance once at the numbers that were ticking up. We were heading back to the cafe floor.
"You're so short," I mentally kicked myself for the comment, but my irresponsible mouth continued. "I don't even think it would work."
"I'll remind you to rephrase that when I have you on all fours, brat."
I felt the heat rush to my cheeks, as my eyelids grew heavy and lowered, my stare turning to one of carnal desire that he recognized too quickly. He took a step back and held up one finger, fixing me with a warning glare, "Keep your dick in your pants, kid. We don't have the time or the privacy to do what I want right now."
"Who cares if anyone sees?"
I could honestly say that I didn't care at this point. I had embarrassed myself in front of the other interns with the circus tent in my pants, and I knew it couldn't get much worse from there. Besides, if he wanted to get me out of his system then I was eager to do it now. I couldn't bring myself to wait until tonight, knowing that once it was done I would be nothing more than pawn left in whatever game he was playing with Erwin. I wanted to get the pain over with now before I fell any deeper.
"This is why I hate teenagers. You're all horny little shits, thinking only with your dicks." He leaned against the wall opposite me and folded his arms, his guarded expression making it clear that nothing would be happening right now.
"I thought this was what you wanted." It was part of what I wanted, but I knew I wouldn't be able to get anything more out of him.
He pointed once at the number that was quickly approaching the selected floor, "We don't have time, brat."
"Then let's go to your office. You have a couch."
"Like hell I'm letting you get your damn cock stains all over my couch," he said with a note of disgust, "You can wait, and you're going to."
"But," I searched my brain for some other way to convince him and landed on the only tool that had worked before, "I need you, Corporal."
A smirk spread across his lips and I felt a chill go through my body. He eyed me with an amused expression that called me a little shit without saying a word. Then, in a seductive purr, he murmured a threat that should have worried me, "Don't make me break your dick off, Eren."

The Intern
Fanfic( I DO NOT OWN THIS STORY) IM PUTTING THIS ON HERE FOR BETTER ACCESS TO THE STORY. I AM IN NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM EDITING THIS. IM JUST COPY AND PASTING "Armin was convinced that it was the opportunity of a lifetime, but Eren just saw it as just anot...