Kitten Gets Discovered

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I woke up on a couch, looking around the room. “Boss, he's awake.” multiple voices said. “Zero, are you okay?” Haruhi asked, putting a cloth on my forehead. “Haruhi! You lucky duck! How did you get in here? You have your own harem!” I sat up, pointing at her.

“Um, you know what harem is?” one of the twins started. “Right?” the other finished, standing in front of me. I glared at them. “You know Haruhi is a girl, right? How did she get so lucky!?” I stood up, stomping around the room. “I mean, Haruhi, you seem like an awesome person and all and I know we just met, but you could have told me about the club full of sexy men! You should have said 'Hi, my name is Haruhi and I'm in a club full of sexy men. Come join me.'” I turned around and stared at her. “And I thought we were friends.” I crossed my arms slightly.

“Uh-oh..” The twins muttered, following the sound of broken glass. I refused to turn around. “Hm. That vase was priceless.. Around about 8 million yen.” I paled, looking at the man in glasses. “And since you know about Haruhi, there's only one way for you to pay us back, Mr. Akamaru..” he said, writing in his black book.

“Yes! You will become a host!” the princely type said before snapping his fingers. “Hikaru and Kaoru!” before I knew it I was dragged into a dressing room.


“Um, I still don't know your names..” I muttered, looking at everyone from my seat on the couch. “As you know, I'm Haruhi. The twins are Hikaru and Kaoru, the tall boy with glasses is Kyoya-sempai, the smaller boy is Honey-sempai and with him is Mori-sempai. And this is Tamaki-sempai.” I followed her hand as she showed everyone to me. I smiled and waved. “Tell us about yourself, Zero-kun.” Honey said, smiling cutely. A blush adorned my cheeks as I stared at him. “Sure.. I'm..” “Zero Akamaru.” Kyoya cut off, staring at his book. “Young male, age 16, commoner.” Everyone stared at me, stars in their eyes. 'A commoner..? Like, not rich..?' I thought,staring back at them.

“Why are you..” Hikaru started, walking around me. “wearing that hat..?” Kaoru finished, following after him. “Why does anyone wear hats..?” I said nervously, looking at them. They circled me like vultures, staring at my hat. It felt like slow motion as they pulled it off. I couldn't breath. I stared at them and they stared back. The blood rushed to my face and my ears twitched.

“Look Tama-chan! Zero-chan has kitty ears!”

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