Kitten Finds Out

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Zero's POV

“A bet?” I looked at Hikaru. He looked really upset. “What was it about? You like really upset about losing it. I mean, he's giving back the prize.. So I guess it's okay. You didn't really lose anything.” I held Kyo-kun's hand. “We don't know anything about fashion.”

“Hikaru.. Stop.. You're not losing anything..” Kaoru said, grabbing Hikaru by the forearm.

“It was about you Zero. I bet him 10,000 yen to get you into bed. But that wasn't enough so we upped it to 4 million yen. Then it crossed our mind that you were a good boy. So you wouldn't let him hit until you were married. So, I put my company on the line. He won a whole company just for marrying you and getting you into bed!” Hikaru laughed darkly, throwing the folder on the table.

“I.. Um.. What..? Why.. W.. Why go as far as to marry me..?” I looked at Hikaru, not daring to look over at Kyoya. I slowly pulled away from him, biting my lip.

“Oh, it wasn't even a real marriage. That was all fake.” he shrugged, plopping down on the couch opposite of us. “Pssh, your whole relationship was fake.”

I looked at Kyoya as he stood. “That's enough Hikaru!” his laptop fell to the floor and Hikaru stood up as well. “Tell him about the rest of it. Tell him how you managed to keep your hands off of him.” Kyoya glared. “Stop.” Hikaru looked at me, his face red with anger. “Remember how we talked about you not being the only person he's kissed? Well you're not the only guy he's had sex with either.”

The room grew cold and time stopped.

~~3rd Person POV~~

Zero stared at everyone in the room. “Who knew..?” his voice was cracked, barely above a whisper. “Ze-chan..”

“I asked who knew!?” he lashed out, turning away from Kyoya. “Who knew that this was all some kind of bet? Huh? Who slept with him behind my back?!”

Tamaki raised his hand along with the twins. Before anyone could say anything Zero was out the door.

Kyoya ran after him, shouting his name.

“I.. I can't believe you..” Haruhi ripped her hand away from Kaoru's, shoving him away from her. “Haruhi, please.. I never slept with him. Not once.” Kaoru begged, grabbing her by the shoulders. “So, you knew this was a bet?! You knew that and still let him go on with it!?” Haruhi screamed at him. “You let that poor boy get hurt for what?!” she turned to Tamaki. “And you.. How could you..? You call yourself a prince and yet your prancing around here, letting an innocent person hurt!” she stormed over to him, grabbing his tie and pulling him down to her eye level.

“I can't believe you..” she spat, the hate gleaming in her eyes. “You.. You're supposed to be the king of the host club. Not the highest paid whore in a brothel.” Tamaki stared at her, his eyes wide. His daughter hated him.. “Hikaru Hitachiin..” she started, moving to him. “I knew you were ruthless with your pranks. I did. But I never thought you would be this pathetic.” she slapped him firmly across the face and left the room. No one went after her. Everyone was shocked into silence.

~~With Kyoya~~

He ran after Zero, screaming his name but he didn't want to hear it. Eventually, Kyoya caught up to him and grabbed him by the arm and spun him around.

Zero's once bright eyes were now dim, no emotion in them at all. His ears flat on his head and his tail wrapped firmly around his waist. “What is it Ootori..? Did you come to laugh at me?!' Zero said, barely looking him in the eye.

“Zero-kun, I'm sorry. I know this looks bad but I..” he stopped .What could he say? What could he possibly say to make it any better..?

“Did you mean anything you said or was all that a lie too?' Zero looked up at him, sorrow clear in his eyes. “When we first made the bet, it was just for the money.. But then.. Then I really fell for you. I really fell in love with you. I love you, that's true.” he said, grabbing Zero's hand.

Zero pulled away from him, not looking him in the eye. “Don't touch me Ootori.” he mumbled, sliding the ring off of his finger and handing it to him. “I won't be a pawn in one of your games. C.. Consider this breaking up..” he walked out of the hall, leaving Kyoya there.

Kyoya was stunned. Zero was leaving him. His Zero was leaving him.. His Zero was leaving him.. He couldn't believe it. Haruhi ran up to him, breathing heavily. “W.. Where did he go..!?” she yelled. She was furious. He pointed down the hall, not daring to look her in the eye. He heard her run off as he walked back to the hosting room.

Mori-sempai was the first to talk to him, his voice deadly. “You hurt him.” he grabbed Kyoya by the shirt collar, slamming him into the wall. “M..Mori-sempai calm down!” Tamaki screamed, trying to reach them before Mori could hurt him. “You. Hurt. Him. You're lower than dirt. Lower than the worms in the dirt. You are literally the worst human being the world. No, you're not even human.” he dropped Kyoya to the floor.

“None of you are.” everyone stared at him in shock. This was the most anyone had heard him speak since he started the club. “You're maggots. You say you want to help everyone, but here you are hurting someone who needed help the most. All Zero wanted was someone to love him for him and you turned it into one of you degrading bets. Disgusting. Mitsukuni. Let's go.” he started walking and, for the first time, Honey-sempai followed him.

The remaining hosts looked at each other and the room remained silent. They didn't know what to say. This was the end.

The end of Zero and Kyoya.

The end of year long friendships.

The end of the host club.

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