Kitten Makes Plans

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AN: This is the last update for the night. Sorry it's short. :( I'm a tired little chicken. I hope you like it. Let me know if Kyoya seems out of character. I don't want that..

~Two Weeks Later~

Zero's POV

'Today is the day. I'm going to ask him.' I thought, walking to the host room. Since the kiss, Kyoya-kun and I have been texting and talking non-stop. It started with a 'hey, where are you? You're late.' text from Kyoya the day after they say my house.

Then we talked about everything under the moon from the tea for the next club hours to what we wanted to do when we grew up to how I was going to pay for the busted limo to our family lives. I learned a lot about Kyoya in the past two weeks. When I talked to Haruhi about it, she seemed really surprised.


“Are you really talking about Kyoya-sempai? The Shadow King..? He told you about himself?” she asked, her mouth gaped open. “Well yeah, I told him things about me also. Things even you don't know.” I winked playfully and stood up from the table. “Today, I'm going to formally ask him to dinner.”

“Zero-kun.. Are you sure..? Do you even know if he's gay..?” she asked, putting a hand on my shoulder. “I don't know, but it's worth a shot.”

~end flashback~

I walked into the hosting room and went straight to Kyoya. “Kyoya-kun, would you do me the pleasure of going to dinner with me tomorrow night?” I bowed low, hiding my face from him and the rest of the club. I could feel their eyes on me and it made me nervous.

“Thank you for the offer Zero-kun.” he smiled and patted my head before standing up. I stayed bowed, staring at my shoes. “I would love to accompany you.”

I stood up so fast my head started to spin and hugged him. “Great! I'll text you the details later, okay?” I pecked his cheek and went to my seat.

“I.. It's time to open the” Tamaki muttered, going to his throne.

~Time Skip 'Til Zero Gets Home, Nothing Eventful Happened In The Host Club.. THIS TIME!!~

I laid in my bed and watched my phone. It just occurred to me that I asked him out, in front of people, in front of our friends.. What if he just said yes because of the pressure..? 'Do you really think Kyo-kun does ANYTHING because of pressure..?' I asked myself. 'Kyo-kun or Kyo-chan..? Which one is cuter..?' Whilst pondering these thoughts I grabbed my phone and texted Kyo-kun.

10:45 pm Z: Kyo-kun, I'm sorry I put you on the spot like that. It must have been embarrassing. I'm sorry. I don't want you to feel obligated to go to dinner.

10:47 pm Kyo-kun: It wasn't embarrassing at all. I'm glad you asked. Maybe we can go for seafood?

10:48 pm Z: Because I'm a neko..? Really? That was a bad joke.

10:48 pm Z: Will there be tuna..?

10:51 pm Kyo-kun: I'm sure there will be tuna. :)

10:51 pm Kyo-kun: Ignore that face.

10:54 pm Z: AWH! You used an emoji! How cute! <3<3<3

10:56 pm Kyo-kun: Goodnight, Zero-kun. We'll go out tomorrow after the club. I'll meet you by the stairs.

10:58 pm Z: Goodnight Kyo-kun. Sleep well. (' *')

I closed my phone and sat it on the dresser next to my bed. I was excited. 'What do people do on dates..? They usually give gifts, right..?' I sat up quickly. 'I don't have a gift for Kyo-kun.. I know! I'll make him something.'

With that thought I went to Momo's sewing room and grabbed a few things. 'It has to be something simple. Something he can wear and won't lose.'

This date is going to be amazing.

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