Kitten Gets Involved..?

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AN: Okay guys, I think this one is a little longer. I hope you guys like it. Also, if you guys have any ideas for this story feel free to message me. And if I use the idea, I'll dedicate the next two chapters to you..? Yeah, I'm using bribery, sue me.. Not really, don't do that.. Please don't..

Haruhi's POV

We all exited the limo to get a good look at the place. Ten or fifteen kids ran outside to us with an older woman behind them. “Mona! They have Zero!” “Hey! Put him down you jerks!” “Why is Zero laying like that?! What did you do to him!?” the kids were shouting out things at us and we just stared.

“I'm sorry, you all must be his club members. Won't you all come in?” Mona said, grabbing me by the hand. “What a beautiful face. That short hair really suits your face. Very pretty. “ she whispered in my ear. She reminded me of one of those old people you see at a park, a sweet old woman.

We all followed her into the mansion. “Tsubaki!” she yelled towards the hall. “What do ya want ya ol' bat!?” came a rough voice. Soon, a young man emerged from the hall with just a waist apron on. Tamaki-sempai's hand was over my eyes in two seconds.

Mori's POV!!!

I stared at the man who had entered the room. “Tsubaki! That's no way a butler should act. Especially in front of guests!” Mona scolded playfully, blushing at him. His face dropped as he turned to us, giving a deep bow. “I apologize for my actions and my current outfit. Allow me to take the Young Master to his room.”

'Young Master..?' I thought. 'Who is Young Master..' We watched as he took Zero-kun from the twins and as he carried him up to his room.

“Ichi! Let's get some snacks for these gentlemen. Young lady, would you like to help us?” she asked Haruhi. Tamaki was flabbergasted. “I assure you ma'am, this is no young lady! He's quite manly!” he said, picking up Haruhi's arm and making her flex.

“I know all about Miss Haruhi. Calm you hair.”


Zero's POV

I woke up to someone rubbing my belly. “Zeze.. Wake up. Your friends bought you home..” my eyes shot open and I sat up, practically throwing Tsubaki into the wall.

“TsuTsu..?” I giggled, crawling out of the bed. I watched him lay on the floor for a minute. “You need on a shirt, dear.” I laughed and stretched before taking off my uniform.

I then went to the bathroom and took out my contacts, trading them in for my glasses. Wearing them all day really took a lot out of me.

I put on some lounge clothes and made my way to the living room by sliding down the banister. “Zero! I told you not to do that!” Mona yelled, making me jump. “Sorry Mom—o.. Sorry Momo. I won't do it while your here.” I smiled and sat next to her.

I could feel all of them watching me since I came down the banister. Mona excused her self and I was left with them and a pile of cookies. I crossed my legs and grabbed a cookie, nibbling on it.

“So, which one of my lovely friends found my home..?” I asked, smiling at them. Everyone in the room froze. “Ah, was it you, Kyoya?” I looked to him, his face was pale for a moment before he snapped out of it. “Z.. Zero-kun.. Is this your house..?” Tamaki-sempai asked, looking around. “Yeah. I bought before I came here.” “Before you came here..?” Haruhi said, her head turned to the side a bit.

“I take it you guys looked me up, yes? Well.. I'm not from Japan. I moved after my parents died to be with Mona.” “You said you bought this house Zero-chan?” Honey-sempai said, eating a piece of cake. “I did Honey-sempai. Mona moved in here with me along with Tsubaki. They're like my family.” I grinned, grabbing another cookie.

“What about the kids we saw?” The twins asked suddenly, throwing me off guard. “Kids? The little ones? Oh! They live here too. I mean, they lived here before I did.” “Your file clearly says you're a commoner. That you got into our school on a scholarship. If you have the money, why are you pretending to be a commoner?” Kyoya asked, tilting his glasses.

I stared at him, smiling wide. “Well, Kyoya-kun, I never pretended to be a commoner. I never said I was one. I mean, I never thought of anyone as a commoner, not even Haruhi. And I did get into your school on a scholarship. I used the money I inheritade from my mum and dad to pay for this orphanage. I told Mona about what I had done and she and TsuTsu said they would help me.”

I got up from my chair a clapped my hands before walking over to Kyoya. “I believe it's late. You all should head home.” I said, grabbing his hand and pulling him up. “Thank you all for bringing me home. Really, it means a lot. But, in the future, don't stop here uninvited. The kids don't welcome new...” I trailed off as I looked at their limo.

All of the windows were busted and the tires slit. I couldn't believe it..

“Uh.. How about, instead of riding in a silly limo, you guys ride in the bus we have!? Won't that be fun!?” I laughed, standing in front of the door. They all seemed hesitant except for Haruhi. “It'll be a great commoner experience..?” I tried, hoping for a great reaction.

“A.. A commoner vehicle!? Alright men, let's go!” Tamaki-sempai and the twins took off to the back, dragging a poor Haruhi and Honey-sempai and Mori-sempai following close behind.

I walked with Kyoya to the back after calling for TsuTsu, he would have to drive everyone home.


Kyoya's POV

I hate this bus.. Very much. This has to be the longest, most uncomfortable, crowded ride of my life. Zero and Hikaru both shared a seat with me, Zero in the middle and me by the window.

After Hikaru and Kaoru were dropped off, Zero stayed next to me, refusing to move. I was going to ask him to when I realized he was asleep.

I sweat-dropped.

'How can he fall asleep so fast..?' I thought, looking at him. 'This will be funner than I thought.' I rubbed his back and played with his tail as I relayed directions to Tsubaki. Soon my home came up and I got up, waking Zero in the process. “I'm going to walk him to the door, be back.” He said, following me to my door.

“I didn't need an escort, Zero. I'm perfectly capa...” I felt his lips flutter across mine for a split second before he hugged me. “Goodnight, Kyoya-kun.” said before walking back to the bus. I smirked.

'This just got a lot more fun..'

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