Kitten Breaksdown

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Kyoya's POV

“Don't worry..” I muttered against his neck. He was nervous.. “I.. I don't know about this..” I ran my fingers through his hair. “But, Tama-chan.. You like this..” I kissed his neck and he melted into my fingers.

That morning I woke up to Tamaki looking around for his clothes. “This.. This was wrong. So wrong..” he mumbled, putting his boxers on. “Tamaki.. Where are you going..?” I propped myself up on my elbows, smirking at him. “You.. You and Zero-kun have been together for almost four months Kyoya! How is he going to feel now?!” he stood tall, stomping his foot on the floor as I yawned. “Who said he had to know..? Mommies and Daddies keep secrets, don't they?” I stood, walking over and wrapping my arms around his waist. “Yes but..” I kissed him full on the lips. “Our little secret, Tama-chan..”

Hikaru's POV

“Mommies and Daddies keep secrets, don't they?” that was Kyoya-sempai, clearly. “Yes but..” T.. Tamaki..? I grinned as I looked at Kaoru. His face was red with anger, his fists clenched. “Kyoya.. How.. How could he do something like that!?” he stood, grabbing the phone from me. “Look! We can win now! We'll jus..” he held up his hand.

“No. There is no we in this! It was funny when you were flirting. It was okay when you beted on who he would date. But this..?! This is going to far! This is going to hurt him!” he screamed at me, gripping the front of my shirt. “I expected this from Kyoya, but not from you.” he stormed out of the room and down the hall.

'Kaoru..' I sat on my bed and thought. 'This is nothing against Zero. Nothing at all... It's not about hurting him. He's just a pawn. It's okay..' I convinced myself.

~Time Skip To The Next Day At The Club~

I watched Zero at the piano. He seemed anxious, his fingers floated across the keys distractedly. He was staring out the window and barely paid attention to the club. 'Maybe he found out already..?' I looked over at Kyoya and Tamaki as they talked. Neither seemed to notice Zero's attitude change.

“Ah, Zero-kun..” Haruhi had ran over and hugged him as he cried. The club went silent as Zero broke down. No one moved to check on them, just let him cry.

~Haruhi's POV~

“Ah, Zero-kun..” I ran up to him and hugged him as tight as I could. This couldn't be easy for him. He didn't stay after the shoot because Mona and Tsubaki were in the hospital. Last class he got a phone call that they both had fallen to their injuries.

When I lost my mother I cried. I cried for days.. But I wasn't alone. I had my dad. Zero has no one. The kids at the orphanage would be sent to live in another home where they could be taken care of properly.

Zero would be alone for the second time in his life.

I held him as he cried and I looked around. All eyes were on us and I glared at Kyoya-sempai. He should be doing this. He should be comforting his boyfriend.

But there he stood.


Once Zero had calmed down, Mori-sempai came over and picked him up, carrying him to the nurses room for him to sleep through club activities. “Haru-chan, what's wrong with Ze-chan..?” Honey-sempai asked, looking up at me.

I stared straight at Kyoya. “Mona and Tsubaki were in an accident last night. That's why he didn't stay after the shoot. In the last class he got a class saying they passed away.” I glared at Kyoya. “Why didn't you answer him!? He called you all day yesterday scared out of his mind! He texted, called, emailed! He even stopped by your house to make sure you were okay!” I lost it. How could he do this.. How could he let his boyfriend suffer like this..?

“I didn't get any calls, Haruhi..” he lied. I see it in his eyes. “Sure, you didn't. What about you Tamaki-sempai? Did you get any calls?” I stared at him and his face went red. “Um, yes.. But when I answered he didn't say anything about anyone being hurt.. I don't think..” he trailed off, looking at the ground. The twins said they missed the call and Honey-sempai was eating cake.

“I can't believe you..” I left to find Zero-kun. 'Those two.. How could they..'

Hikaru's POV

Before she could get out the door Zero-kun had came in. He smiled at everyone and apologized for his breakdown. He sat back at the piano and started playing. “Zero-kun.. We're sorry.. We didn't get your calls.. If we had..” Kaoru stopped talking when Zero-kun started to laugh.

It started out as a soft chuckle before he was laying on the floor laughing. Everyone just watched him as he laid on the floor.

Kyoya walked over to him slowly and sat next to him as he laughed, gently rubbing his back. Zero just kept laughing, tears running down his face.

When Kyoya pulled him into his lap the laughter turned into heavy sobs.

“There won't be any activities today. Tell the girls we're sorry but something has come up..” Kyoya said as he rocked Zero.

We packed our things and left the room, Zero's cries echoed in the halls as I turned to Tamaki.

“I hope your fun last night was worth it.”

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