Kittens Woman of Honor

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AN: I'm not too happy with this chapter.. I feel like it sucks compared to the rest of them but I don't know how to fix it. My mamaw is out of the hospital. The next chapter will have the wedding in it. I promise. <3

Zero-kun.. What do you think of a spring wedding?' Kyo-kun asked, running his fingers through my hair. “Do you think it's too soon? How are we going to plan a wedding in four months..?” I moved closer to him.

With all the snow on the ground, Kyo-kun decided to stay here with me. I'm glad he did because now the lights are out.

We stayed in the living room, lit some candles, and started talking. Mostly about the wedding.

“Besides, I'm only 16. I can't get married yet.” I smiled softly, laying my head in his lap. It was cute how eager he was to get married. He was more excited than I was.

“I looked into that.. Since you don't have official guardians, if the courts decide we're capable of taking care of ourselves, we'll be able to get married. And even if they don't. I still want to have a ceremony. Regardless of what the court says, you're my husband.” he played with my ears as I blushed.

“You're so sweet Kyo-kun.” I smiled at him, leaning up and gently pressing my lips to his. “If we have a spring wedding though, I want to have a marble cake. With lilac icing.” he laughed, holding my waist. “Lilac..? You have colors picked out already?” I nodded, laying my head on his chest.

“Of course I do. Since it's spring, that's light colors. So, lilac and a pale pink. And lime green for your tie.” I grinned, kissing his jaw gently. I'm so excited.

Kyoya's POV

I listened to Zero-kun talk about his wedding colors. I laughed as he talked himself to sleep and I pulled out my phone.

4 missed calls from Tamaki

7 missed calls from Kaoru

2 text messages from Hikaru

I glared at the phone. I told them not to bother me today.

10:21 pm Kyoya : What part of don't bother me today don't you understand?

10:22 pm Tamaki : I missed you. When will you be back over?

10:24 pm Kyoya : I'll be there when I can. Don't reply.

I didn't bother reading Hikaru's texts. I sent him one reminding him that I preferred cash and smiled before carrying Zero to his bed and tucking him in. I left him a note telling him I just went home to get a few things and that I would be back as soon as I could.

I called my driver and had him pick me up before calling Tamaki and telling him I was on my way. 'This is too easy.'


3rd Person POV

Christmas, New Years, and Valentines Day passed, gifts were exchanged and lies were told. While Zero planned for a beautiful wedding, with some help from Haruhi, Kyoya decided to stay out of that department. He was no good at that.

Kyoya and Zero kept their engagement a secret from the school other than the host club. Since they were both hosts and they wanted to keep the club going, it seemed like the best idea at the moment.

They set a wedding date, March 20. It was the beginning of spring break. They planned to go to the country side for their honeymoon, seeing as how Zero-kun hated to fly.

With the wedding closing in and the bet almost complete, just about everyone knew what was going to happen.

~~Kyoya's POV~~

Haruhi and Zero-kun had just left to pick up the last few things for the wedding and a few things for the honeymoon as well. Zero was very excited and Haruhi seemed to be nervous. She was going to be his best man.. Best woman..? Best woman of honor.. Something like that.

“Kyoya-sempai..” I turned to see Hikaru, a frown clearly on his face. “Hikaru, what can I help you with..?” I closed my laptop and looked at him. “Can we talk..?” he sat next to me, staring out into space. “I suppose so.” I crossed my legs, pouring a cup of left over tea for myself.

“Do you really love him, Kyoya-sempai..?” he looked at me, a blank look in his eyes. “Does that matter? Are you nervous that I'm go..”

I was cut off by Hikaru pushing me back into the couch. “I'm not talking about the bet Kyoya! I want to know!” he crawled on top of me, his hands gripping the collar of my shirt as tears dripped down his face. “Do you love him!?” he screamed, his knuckles turning white. “No. This is just a bet. Don't get so hyped up.” I looked at him, the ghost of a smile on my lips. “You really think I'd fall for him..? Don't think just because you cry you won't have to do your end of the deal. You're going to lose and yo..” I stopped talking.

His lips were crushed against mine, almost desperate. He pulled me closer to him by my collar and sat on my lap. I let my arms coil around his waist and only one thing crossed my mind.

'Hm.. I've never done it in the host room.'

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