Kitten Lives

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AN: Guys, please tell me what you think. I've hit a small block and I want to keep this as a story. But I feel like it's becoming more like one shots that kind of flow together, but not really. Leave a comment or drop me a message. Thanks.

You know what tastes really nasty? Ocean water. But you know what tastes REALLY nasty? Ocean water coming back up. I kept my eyes closed as I coughed it up. I could hear everyone freaking out. “Oh my God! My poor son! He's drowning.” “Will Zero-chan be okay..?” “Yes.” “Guys shut up! He's coming to!”

I opened my eyes slightly, looking around at everyone except for Kyoya.. I frowned a bit. I was hoping to see him. I sat up slowly. “Guys, I'm fine. I swear.” And I passed out again.


I woke up to yelling right outside my room. I rolled over and put the pillow over my head. A few minutes passed and the pillow was ripped off of my head. “Zero! Why did you go up there alone!?” It was Tamaki-sempai. I stared at him for a second and I felt my ears droop to the top of my head. “I just wanted to watch the sunset.. That's all Tama-chan..” I looked down and absentmindedly played with my tail. I hated getting yelled at. I hated it with everything in me.

I felt everyone's eyes on me as Tamaki went on. “Tamaki-sempai.. I think that's enough.” Haruhi said, staring at him. “No, Haruhi! He could have gotten hurt! He's just a kitten! He's not like Honey and Mori! He would've drowned if Hikaru hadn't gone in after him!” I kept my head down. I didn't want to look at any of them. I knew they were angry.

I got up and moved away from the group. “Tono, you're going to far..” I felt Hikaru and Kaoru wrap their arms around me. “Yeah, you said it yourself. He's just a kitten. He didn't know..” They rubbed my ears and I continued to look down. I felt myself being picked up and I closed my eyes tightly. “Takashi.. Zero-kun is crying..” I buried my face in Hikaru's neck and clung to him. I couldn't control it. I cried like a baby as I was carried away. I could hear Haruhi yelling at Tamaki. I hope you felt bad.

“I never meant to cause any trouble..” I mumbled against his neck. “It's okay. We know.” They carried me to a room and laid me down.”We'll call for you when dinner is ready.” They left me alone and I curled up in bed. I didn't want to be here anymore. I did a lot of things but I never thought Tamaki would get mad at me. I didn't even know the blonde could get mad.

“What are you doing in my room Zero?” I froze. 'I thought this was my room.' I turned over and looked at Kyoya. He had a towel around his shoulders and his hair was still wet. “I won't ask again.” I sat up quickly and bit my lip. “Ano.. Kyoya.. I had been thinking. I want to do more to help Haruhi's debt besides hosting..” he looked at me and cocked his head to the side. 'I'm a GREAT liar' I praised myself, inwardly smirking.

“You're a horrible liar, Zero-kun.” I watched as he walked over and sat on the edge of the bed. I frowned and laid my head in his lap. I felt his body stiffen and I smiled a bit. 'Awwww, I make the shadow king nervous.' I smiled to myself until I felt his hand in my hair. “You shouldn't have gone up on that cliff Zero. If you had gotten hurt..” his voice trailed off and I looked up at him, blushing slightly. I never knew he could be so caring.

“If you had gotten hurt, you wouldn't be able to host. And our club would have lost 15%.” he looked dead serious. I glared at him. “What are you, heartless!?” I sat up, pointing at him. I couldn't believe it. I thought he was growing a heart or something, acting human, being a sweetheart! I got up and stormed out of his room. I was fuming.

~~Kyoya POV~~

I had left once Hikaru pulled Zero out of the water. I was beyond pissed. Who had the bright idea to climb up on a cliff?! For what?! I stormed to my room and tried to relax. I couldn't believe he would do something so stupid. He should be smarter. I looked out the window and saw Tamaki yelling at him. I couldn't believe it. Just watching it upset me so I took a long shower. When I got done I walked out to a wonderful surprise.


In my room..

In my bed..

“What are you doing in my room Zero..?” I watched him for a moment. He looked like a scared kitten, no pun intended. “I won't ask again.” I watched his ears move and his eyes wander. He's a terrible liar. Everything he said went in one ear and out the other. He's a real terrible liar. And I told him so.

“You're a horrible liar.” I went and sat down on the bed. I was barely there for a minute before his head was in my lap. I didn't know what to do so I put my hand in his hair. “You shouldn't have gone up there Zero. If you had gotten hurt..” I trailed off. What would've happened if he had gotten hurt. I looked down at his face and smirked. 'You know, I never have any fun anymore..' I looked into his eyes. 'This will be fun..'

“If you had gotten hurt, you wouldn't be able to host. And our club would have lost 15%.” I smirked inwardly as he glared at me. I watched as he yelled at me and all I could do was smile. I watched him storm out of the room in a huff. I laid back in my bed and smirked at the ceiling, laughing slightly.

'This will be more fun than I thought..'

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