Kitten Accepts

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AN: I really hope you guys like this chapter. I'm still at the hospital. Mamaw didn't have a stroke but they are still checking her heart. I love you guys. Comment and tell me what you guys think.

3rd Person POV

The funeral passed and a month later winter set it. The school had gone on winter at the beginning of December and even though there would be no club activites, they still planned on meeting a few times a week, having dinner with each other mostly at Zero-kun's house. All the children who used to stay there now have great homes and call him once a week.

Tamaki and Kyoya continued to sleep together.

Zero stayed close to Kyoya's side, being the best boyfriend he could be.

Hikaru and Kaoru still haven't said anything about Kyoya's cheating.

Haruhi is thinks Kyoya is cheating with Tamaki, but has no proof.

Mori-sempai doesn't want Zero-kun to get hurt.

Honey-sempai really just wants a piece of cake..

Zero's POV

Kyo-kun and I set the groceries on the table and I kissed his cheek. “Go have a seat. I'm going to start dinner.” he blessed me with a smile and caught my lips in a sweet kiss. “You sound like a wife.” he chuckled playfully, lightly patting my head before going to set up the living room.

Tonight we were having movie night with the host club at my house since I liked having them over. I always liked having a full house. Since a lot of the members of the club would be going away for holiday next week, this would be our last get together until they got back before New Years.

Kyo-kun had invited me to join him and his family but I declined, telling him that holiday's were meant to spent with family. He just smiled and patted my head.

“Kyo-kun! Get the door!” I pulled the cake from the oven and started setting the table while waiting for it to cool. Hikaru and Kaoru walked in first, followed by Honey-sempai and Mori-sempai. Not far behind them was Haruhi and Tamaki-sempai. I smiled as Haruhi and Kaoru sat on the couch together.

They had become an official couple right before break and they were the cutest thing ever. Constantly holding hands despite Haruhi's blushing face, sneaking kisses when they think no one is looking.

So cute.

~After the delicious *cough cough burnt cough cough* meal Zero made~~

Everyone was gathered around the tv as we watched different anime. We had just watched an episode of Say 'I love you' and I was smiling. That's the cutest thing I'd ever seen. Tamaki had tears in his eyes.

“Can I have everyone's attention?” Kyo-kun stood up, smiling and pulling me up with him. “Zero.. We've been together now for almost six months. The best six months of my life.” he smiled at me, getting down on one knee. “I know I haven't always been the best guy to you. I haven't been there when you needed me..” he frowned. “I.. I'm surprised you're still with me. I just.. I know that I love you with everything in my being and I want more than just a high school fling with you. I know we're young but.. I want you to be my wife.. Husband.. No. I want you to be my partner. My world, my stars.. I want that with you. Will you, Zero Akamaru, make me the happiest man in the world and become my partner?” he pulled a black box out of his pocket and opened it, showing a simple wedding band.

Tears came to my eyes and I couldn't talk. I could barely breath.

“No way..” “Is.. Is he really proposing!?” “Kyo-chan! Good job!”

“I.. I would love that..!” I cried softly as he slid the ring on my finger. I hugged him tightly, knocking us both to the floor. Everyone cheered behind us as I kissed him. This was the best day in the world.

'I'm going to be Zero Ootori..'

Hikaru's POV

“No way..” I said, staring at him. He proposed.. He freaking proposed.. I can't believe him. He really thinks he can win this!?

After the funeral I thought I had won for sure. Zero had shut down, refusing to talk to anyone except for Haruhi. He even stopped showing up to the club activities. And when he did, he requested Haruhi for the whole day or sat playing the piano.

Kyoya played his part well though. He buttered up to Zero, holding him whenever he could, kissing his hand. Acting like a perfect gentleman. He even went as far as shutting the host club down for two days just so he could spend time with Zero.

It was sickening.

The way he could manipulate everyone around him. Even Tamaki believed he really cared for Zero.

But they still slept together.

The love bites on his neck proved that.

But here was Kyoya, proposing to Zero, in front of everyone..

We all cheered when Zero said yes, the smile on his face was contagious. Even Mori smiled and cheered with us, a surprise to everyone.

Once the excitement was over we watched a few more shows until Zero fell asleep. Kyoya politely kicked us out and causally reminded me that he preferred cash.

'I won't admit defeat. Not to him.'

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