Kitten Leaves

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~Time Skip, Six Months~

3rd Person POV

Haruhi sat in the 3rd music room listening while Zero played the piano. “Haruhi-kun, I didn't know you liked this kind of music.” one of her customers said. She hadn't meant to, but she had been ignoring them in favor of watching Zero pour his heart out over the piano. “I'm sorry ladies. I didn't mean to be distracted. I just love watching him play. He's so in tuned with it.” a small smile found it's way to her lips.

After that episode, the host club was closed for a week. Zero spent that time practically begging Honey-sempai and Mori-sempai to come back to the club. He felt responsible for the group breaking up in the first place. He said he had gotten over everything that had happened. He was fine with it and even if he wasn't, it would make him feel better if they would join the club again.

Then he went to Haruhi, reminding her of the fancy tuna she never got to have. But that's not what got her back. He seemed desperate to fix something that he didn't break. It was like he needed the club more than anyone else did.

After her, he went to the twins. Hikaru seemed hesitant, wondering why Zero would want to be in a club with him in the first place. And when he voiced his concerns he was met with a smile. “I want you guys to act like I was never here. If I hadn't been, then none of this would have happened. You guys would still be friends. I'll admit, I'm peeved about what you did. I love Ootori with everything in me. But, you guys had this club before I came along. So I'm going to make it right.”

Then, he went to Tamaki. The whole two hours Zero was over there, Tamaki begged for his forgiveness. He was he would do anything if it meant Zero wouldn't look at him with distrust. “A host club can't be around without it's King. So. .Do that. Come be the king again.”

Lastly, he went to Kyoya. He didn't seem nervous at all as he sat across for the cold Ootori. His legs were crossed and a cup of tea held firmly in his hands as he told Kyoya to come back to the club. Without him the club would fail, he knew that. Who would keep track of the money and things of that nature. “Consider it a personal favor to me. I mean, you did break my heart after all.”

Zero smiled through all of it. He had reunited a family. And that's all he could ever ask for.

Haruhi's POV

~The Next Day~

I walked into the host room, frowning as I looked around. No one was in costume, no rose petals were hitting me in the face. I noticed Tamaki sitting in his throne surrounded by everyone.

“What's going on? Are we not having the club today?” I asked, walking over to them. I noticed a paper in his hands as Kaoru grabbed my hand. “You should have a seat..”

Once I was properly seated, Kyoya looked at me. “Zero is gone.” he handed me the paper and I looked at it. 'He couldn't be..'

Dear Host Club,

Hey! In case you didn't know, this is your beloved Zero! I want to start with a thank you to all of you. I mean, without you guys I wouldn't have had any friends. When I first started here, I was nervous. I mean, who else do you know with kitty ears and a tail. Anyways, this is a goodbye..

Please, don't be sad. I know you guys are probably already trying to find out where I am, but this kitty has so many tricks up his sleeve. Don't worry for me. Please. I'm okay, honest. :)

I was going to write everyone a single note, but that's a lot of work for my little hands. :) So,let's start with my baby brother Honey-sempai. Eat enough cake for the both of us. I left you a recipe for a chocolate dipped strawberry cake. It's really delicious. You eat it and love it. Mona made it the day you guys came over, remember? It was delicious.

Kaoru! You, my dear friend, better take care of Haruhi. I have a feeling you guys are going to be great together. You and Hikaru better not pick on her too much. It's not fair, there's two of you and one of her. Be nice.

Hikaru, I don't have many words for you. I'm sorry, should be the first. I don't know what I did, but I don't want you to hate me. I'm sorry and I hope that you can forgive me. Please, take good care of the host club. Don't depress Tamaki too much, okay? And keep your pranks to a minimum. They can't be good for the heart.

King, keep up the good work. You have a fine kingdom full of loyal subjects willing to follow you. Don't lead them down the wrong the path. I'm sure you'll find someone amazing. Keep your heart open. Don't hide behind that persona of a prince. You deserve a lot better than what you're giving yourself.

Haruhi-chan! I'm so sorry. Please forgive me. I should've told you I was leaving. I'm sorry. I wanted to say thank you for being my friend and introducing me to that wonderful harem of boys you have. Stay safe, okay? Don't let them run your life. When you think the time is right, let lose. Let your inner girl free! I imagine Tamaki already has wonderful outfits for his beautiful daughter to wear, so get to it.

Mori-sempai, thank you. You are definitely the best big brother this guy could ever ask for. Thank you for always trying your best to protect me. Take care of Honey-sempai as good as you can. That recipe is sugar-free, so he can eat it all the time and not get any cavities. I got more recipes that are sugar-free to so you can have those made instead. He'll never notice. And if he does, I'm sorry. :)

Last and not least, Ootori. First, let me say thank you. You were a wonderful friend to me. I just, I'm not sure what else to say to you. I loved you. I loved you with everything in me and I still do. I know you're probably going to start trying to find out where I am but please don't. I made it so you wouldn't be able to find me. :) Please, be careful with people in the future. Not everyone will forgive you like I did. I love you, Kyo-kun.

I'm glad I could help keep the family together. Mommy, Daddy, brothers, neighbors, daughter.. I'm so glad. Maybe, I'll see my family again someday. Don't worry. Your son will be home in no time!

I love you all.

Best Wishes

Zero Akamaru

P.S: In closed in that envelope are two checks. One for my debt and one for Haruhis. Everything is good, feel free to cash them once you've finished the letter.

By the end of the note, everyone had stopped making there phone calls and trying to find him. He didn't want to be found. I sat there, staring at the letter. I couldn't believe he had left.

“Maybe.. it was for the best..?” Tamaki-sempai said, a smile on his face. “We're closer than we were before he got here.. Maybe.. Maybe it was fate..”

'I hope you come back soon, Zero-kun. I can't handle this place alone.' I thought as I watched Tamaki-sempai pull out a dress from his trunk while he and the twins begged me to wear it.

The End.

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