Kitten Gets Wet

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{AN: Hey guys, I hope you all are enjoying it. Please tell me what you think of this chapter. Pretty please <3}

The ride to the beach was rather, loud. The twins were teasing Tamaki about Haruhi, Honey-sempai was chatting to Mori-sempai about his cake, and Kyoya-kun was writing in his notebook. I leaned against the window.

I watched the trees go by until I saw sand. I wasn't very excited. I never really enjoyed the beach. I can't swim, the water terrifies me, and animals live in the water. That means they poop and pee there. I don't want to be in that.

Everyone had already made there way into the sand when I had crawled out of the limo. 'I hate the heat. I hate the water. I hate the sand. I hate the club.' I thought as I walked over to Haruhi. She was sitting on a towel under an umbrella. “Are you swimming hun?” I looked over at her. She didn't look too happy to be there. “Not right now. Maybe later though.” She shrugged her shoulders and I followed her eyes. She was looking at Tamaki. 'How cute.' I stretched out and closed my eyes.

Nap time for Zero.

Hikaru's POV

“Let's make a game out of it. The first to find out both of there weaknesses win!” even Kyoya-sempai looked up at us. “Are you sure this is a good idea..?” Tamaki-sempai said, looking over at Haruhi. “Uh, Tono, wouldn't you like to know..” I started looking over at him. “..what Haruhi is afraid of..?” Kaoru said, staring at him. He then got a dazed off look. “ALRIGHT MEN! OPERATION FIND THE WEAKNESS IS A GO!!” he took off, wondering all around the beach.

My twin and I just smiled at each other. “Let's work on Zero first.” we both said, walking over to him. He was sound asleep. I sweat-dropped. How can a kid fall asleep so easily..

“What are cats afraid of..?” Kaoru said, sitting down. I shrugged, frowning a bit. “Dogs, water, loud noises..?” We both smiled and looked to Kyoya. He was writing in his notebook. “Kyoya-sempai, what do you know about Zero..” we asked him, smirking slightly. “Nothing that would be of interest to you.”

Through out the day we tried everything on both Haruhi and Zero from bugs to dark places to creepy fish and nothing worked. It seemed like they weren't afraid of anything.

Zero's POV

I walked around the beach for a while. It was a little later in the day so the sand wasn't as hot and after the boys acting like complete freaks, I needed it. I made my way up to a small cliff. I watched the sun begin to set before I realized I wasn't alone.

“Oh, look what we have here. A lost kitten.” I turned around slowly and frowned. 'I thought this was a private beach..' I sighed as I stood up, raising my hands in front of my body. “I don't want any trouble. I'll just be going.” I started walking away until I felt one of them grab my tail. “Aww, she's trying to get away.” one of them said. 'She?! Do I LOOK like a GIRL?!' I turned to them, glaring as best as I could. “Excuse me!?” I screamed. “Let go of me!” I yanked my tail away and started to walk away until I felt myself being picked up. “Hm, let's see if kitty can swim!”

I felt myself being thrown and I swear my heart stopped. I screamed for help before I hit the water.

'I'm gonna die, aren't I..?'

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