Kittens And Math

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AN: I hope you guys like it. I'm a bit tired to let me know if anything doesn't make since. Comments are greatly appreciated.

Hikaru's POV

I laid in the bed with Kaoru staring at my phone. “Hikaru.. If he hasn't texted you yet, maybe you should give up on it.” he said, turning towards me after turning his game off. “He said he would after his date with the shadow king..” I frowned, grabbing my phone and flipping it over.

Kaoru sighed, taking the phone. “Are you feeling bad now..?” he asked, putting the phone on the nightstand on his side. “No. I just want to know how it's going.” I reached for the phone. “And I can't do that if I don't have my phone.” I smiled as it started to ring. 'I bet it went horrible.'

11:01 pm Z: HIKARU!! HIKARU!! <3<3 <3<3 <3 <3 <3 <3<3

11:03 pm Hika-chan: Hey Zero-kun. How did it go?

“Hikaru, maybe we should call it off. What if he really likes him..?” Kaoru said, watching me from the corner of his eye. “He'll call it off. I won't lose.” I muttered, rereading the text message.

11:06 pm Z: Hikaru.. It was AMAZING. HE KISSED ME! HE KISSED ME MORE THAN ONCE!! Oh my goodness Hika.. It.. It was great. You don't understand. He's my boyfriend now. How amazing is that.. I know it's late so I'll talk to you tomorrow. Goodnight Hika. Sleep tight. Kaoru too!

~~Time Skip to Host Hours, School Is Boring..~~

Zero's POV

As I laid on the couch waiting for my next customers, I watched Kyo-kun type on his computer, a small blush on my face. “Um, excuse me? Zero-kun..?” I looked up and saw a young man about my age standing over me. I sat up and looked at him clearly. “Yes, what can I help you with young man?” I smiled, crossing my legs. “Well, I requested you today.” he sat down across from me and crossed his legs, a smile plastered to his face.

“So, what's your name hun? What made you request me today?” I asked, pouring him a glass of tea. I could feel the hosts eyes on us. I wasn't sure why but it seemed so tense. “I'm Rin Okamaru. I just transferred here.” he picked up the cup and had a sip before staring at me.

“You're very handsome, Zero-kun. How did someone like you get roped up into this brothel?” he smiled as if he didn't just insult the club. I laughed. “It's not a brothel. It's club of very handsome men and since I'm just so adorable they asked me to join. I accepted.”

“How does your boyfriend think about that? Does it bother him you're here, entertaining all these other people? Sharing your affection?” he smirked slightly, staring me down. “Well, if I had a boyfriend I'm sure he wouldn't mind. After all, he's the only person I care for.” I absentmindedly played with the bracelet on my wrist. I was still on cloud nine.

I talked with Rin until the end of hosting hours. He was a very funny guy. “Maybe we can get dinner tonight?” he asked as we walked to the door. “As great as that would be, I already have plans. Maybe another time.” I let him out and sighed once I closed the door. All eyes were on me and I smiled.

Kyoya's POV, during hosting hours..

I watched as Zero-kun laughed with Rin. I couldn't believe it. Hikaru sat across from me with a smirk planted on his face. “I won't let you win, Kyoya-sempai.” he said, crossing his legs. I closed my laptop and pushed up my glasses. “Hikaru, these feeble attempt to make me lose is futile. You know that I never lose and I won't start now.” I stared at him. “10,000 yen will be great pocket change.” his face grew red and he slammed his hands on the table.

“4 million yen, Kyoya-sempai..” I stared at him. That was a little outrageous for such a small bet. “You get him to bed before the end of the school year and you'll be 4 million yen richer.” I smirked, holding out my hand. “It's a deal.” We shook hands as soon as the last guest left. I stood from my table and walked over to Zero-kun.

“Are you ready to go?” I took his hand and he smiled, a faint blush on his cheeks. “Sure Kyo-kun, let me grab my bag.” I pecked his cheek before he could walk away and I looked over to Hikaru and Kaoru. I smiled at them and bid my goodbyes to everyone. Tonight, Zero-kun and I were having a study date.

~Later, at Kyo-kun's Place~

“If you multiply a by 7, you'll get b..” Zero-kun was not very good with math. We had been doing it since five when we got here. And it's now 11 pm. “I don't care what be is..” he pouted, leaning back against my chest. I held his waist, sighing. “We'll come back to this, Zero-kun.” he rubbed his temples as I put my head on his shoulder. “Math is too hard.” his pout grew bigger. I laughed lightly against his neck and grabbed his wrist. “Take a break. Don't think about that right now.” I smirked, kissing his wrist gently.

I laid back and turned him over, his chest to mine, and ran my fingers down his back. “You're stressing over something simple.” I reminded him. “You'll understand it sooner or later.” I felt him smile against my neck and a soft yawn escape his lips. He would be asleep in no time now.

Once I was sure he was sleeping I grabbed my phone and texted Hikaru.

11:28 pm Kyoya Ootori : This will be a piece of cake. I want my money in cash.

I turned my phone off and put it on the dresser.

'This is much easier than I thought..'

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