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A few days went by and the only thing we did, was read or watch the rain fall outside. We were all depressed and bored - not even really talking to each other - apart from at dinner time.

"German aircraft carried out several attacks on Great Britain last night" The radio man said as we were all sat in our room listening to it. I watched Lucy hiding under the sheets, covering her face, seeming terrified.

I turned off the radio which caused the rest of them to turn to me, I ushered them to look towards their sister and the terrified moral she had about her.

She started to play with the covers and and itch her arm presumably from the sheets.

"The sheets feel scratchy" Lucy complained and i handed her a spare blanket to substitute her one she had now.

"Wars don't last forever, Lucy." I smiled sitting on my bed.

Susan sat beside her sister "Yes and We'll be home soon."

"If home's still there." Ed sneered which caused all of us to glare at him.

"Isn't time you were in bed?" Susan snapped annoyed.

"YES, Mom!" Ed snapped sarcastically.

" ED!" Peter warned his younger brother. "Lucy, You saw the outside. This place is huge. We'll be able to do whatever we want.  Tomorrow's going to be great. Really."

Lucy smiled and fell asleep.

I looked at Susan and shot her a sympathetic look, referring to what had just happened between her and her younger brother, which she replied with a small smile. Edmund smacked past me as he walked out of our room which caused me to fall to the side a bit. Peter came past me and held my shoulders balancing me.

"Sorry about him, it is just  best to ignore him" He smiled. "He is overly sensitive"

I smiled. "It is fine honestly"

"Well goodnight Sophia" He smiled, his hands falling down and brushing past my hand.

My cheeks blushed bright red and I was almost lost for words - sparks just exploded in my belly.

I looked at Peter as he left our room and I then changed into my night dress and fell asleep; thinking about Peter.


The next day was supposed to be the day where our adventure started and we would be able to go outside and explore the beauty. But instead we were stuck inside due to the rain pouring down. Typical English weather. Peter had promised Lucy today would be a good day but so far all we have done is play this stupid game where you have to guess the origin of the word. It was so boring.

Rain cried down the window which reflected the upsetting feeling we all had inside due to limitations. I was sat on the sofa with Susan who held a huge dictionary. Peter was sat opposite us and Ed was under a chair looking as if he was trying to fix something. Lucy was at the window watching the rain fall down every second.

"Gas-tro-vas-cu-lar." Susan asked Peter. "Come on, Peter Gas-tro-vas-cu-lar"

We both sat there and thought where it could originate from. Peter had a confused, hard thinking face on.

"Is it Latin?" Peter asked which sounded more like a question.

"Yes..." She smiled not realising he would get it.

"Is it Latin for worst game ever invented?" Ed giggled which made me and peter smirk but obviously Susan was pissed off.

"We could play hide-and-seek" Lucy said as she lent on Peter's chair

Sophia The Stalwart  (Peter Pevensie Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now