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"It's a beaver." I smiled, relieved.

Peter approaches the beaver, clicking his tongue and bends down to it's level.

"Here, boy *clicks* come here...*clicks*" Peter says which is fairly amusing as in this place all creatures can talk and I am not sure if Peter is ready to hear that.

  Peter lifted out his hand and the beaver looks up and stares at it then sits upright. He looks confused and frowns. 

"Well, I ain't gonna smell it if that's what you want!" He says which causes me and Lucy too giggle where as the others were shocked, which made it even funnier. 

"It's a talking beaver!" Edmund whispers to himself.

 "Lucy Pevensie?" He said which caused our attentions to be on him.

"Yes?" she said concerned. Mr. Beaver handed her a handkerchief

"Wait, this is the handkerchief I gave to Mr-" She began but the beaver cut her off. 

"Tumnus. He gave it to me just before they took him." He mumbled.

"Is he alright?" I asked concerned.

 "Further in."Mr Beaver said and ushered us to follow him. 

He scurried off and me and Lucy walked off but then Susan grabs Peter by the arm pulling him back from following. 

"Peter, we don't even know him." Susan frowned moodily. 

"She's right. How do we know we can trust this beaver?" Edmund added to Susan's comment. 

"He say's he knows the faun." Peter smiles slightly.

"He's a beaver...he shouldn't be saying anything!" Susan snapped.

I turned and saw that we were all stood still arguing slightly which was slightly embarrassing.

"Is everything alright?" The beaver asked.

"Yes. We were just talking" Peter said.

"That's better left for safer corners." He says and the rest of them look confused. 

"He means the trees." Lucy said smartly and we all began to walk again, following Mr Beaver.

As we walk along Peter came up to me and he nudged me slightly which made me made me slip on the ice. I felt his arms grab me and pull me into him. I looked at his lips and really had the urge to kiss him. I felt as if I connected with Peter, i really did. But I did not have the guts to do so, I quickly walked away and caught up with the others; not being able to brush the smile away.

"What are you smiling at?" Lucy asked Peter and Peter blushed.

It caused me to do the same and Lucy looked at me as Peter did.

"Oh never mind" She says giggling.

We walk to Beaver's dam through the cliffs under a bridge and then we see the Dam that belonged to the Beaver. We walked down to it and had to be careful of the ice in case it broke.

"There is it, home sweet home." he smiled as we walked.

"Oh, what a beautiful dam Mr. Beaver." Lucy smiled admiring it.

"It really is" I added 

"Merely a trifle." he smiled.

"Is that you Beaver? I find out you've been out with Badger again I'll...Oh, they're not Badgers. I never thought I would see this day. You couldn't give me ten minutes warning...look at this fur." Mrs Beaver said as she came out to see us.

Sophia The Stalwart  (Peter Pevensie Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now