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The next morning came around quickly. Coronation Day. We had moved into the palace where the Witch had taken over to rule. It was the most beautiful architecture. The Narnian's refer it as the castle on the sea coast down at the mouth of this river, which ought to be the capital of the whole country, now all is as it should be. Down at Cair Paravel there are five thrones and it's a saying in Narnia time out of mind that, when two Sons of Adam and three Daughters of Eve sit in those five thrones, then it will be the end, not only of the White Witch's reign, but of her life. Now we have defeated the Witch we are able to make Narnia a better place.

"My Queen" I heard Zeroina say. "Can I come in?"

"Zeroina!" I smiled opening the door so she could come in. "Please do not call me Queen. I am Sophia."

"Sophia" She smiled and sat me down on a chair.

"It is time for your coronation makeover" She smiled as some other Narnian's came in to help me get ready.

My hair was gorgeously presented and they put me in the most amazing dress which ultimately made me look like a Queen.

They finished what they needed to do. A heard a small knock on the door.

"Can we come in?" I heard Susan and Lucy ask.

"Of course my Queen's" I smiled and stood up.

"Wow!" We all said at the same time as we looked at each other.

"My Queens are you ready?" Mrs Beaver spoke outside the door.

"Indeed we are" I replied and held onto Susan's arm and Lucy did the same to me.

We walked together to the the main hall of the palace. As we walked down we were greeted by Aslan who was talking to Ed and Peter. They had their backs to us and but that is when Ed turned around to us.

"Wow" He awed. "You guys look beautiful"

As Edmund said that, Peter turned to face smiling hugely. He slowly walked up to me and offered his hand to me.

"May I escort you my Queen?" He smirked. I put my hand in his.

"Of course my King" I smirked back and he pulled me into him, placing a small kiss on my lips then pulling away.

We began to walk to the entrance where everyone was sat down. I started to get really nervous but Peter but his lips to  my ear.

"You look so beautiful" He whispered in my ears making me shiver.

"You are not to bad yourself" I winked.

Music started to play. Edmund and Peter walked out together, while, Susan and Lucy. We each stood in front of the thrones that were ours. Aslan came to all of us, starting with Lucy.

"To the glistening eastern sea, I give you Queen Lucy" He said as Mr Tumnus, who we had the pleasure to finally meet, gave Lucy her tiara. "The Valiant."

"To the great western woods, King Edmund the Just."

"To the radiant southern sun, Queen Susan the Gentle."

"To the clear northern skies, King Peter the Magnificent."

"And to the whole land of Narnia, I give you Queen Sophia the Stalwart" Mr Tumnus placed the crown head and I sat down alongside the others who had already received, their crown.

"Once a king or queen of Narnia,always a king or queen." Aslan smiled looking from the crowd to us. "May your wisdom grace us until the stars come raining down from theheavens."

"Long live Queen Sophia! Long live King Peter! Long live Queen Susan! Long live King Edmund! Long live Queen Lucy!" The crowd cheered while we all looked at each other smiling huge.

And through the eastern door, which was wide open, came the voices of the mermen and the mermaids swimming close to the shore and singing in honour of us, their new Kings and Queens. It all felt unreal. All of us were sat on our thrones and sceptres were put into our hands, we received many rewards and thanked all our friends we had met while on this crazy adventure; Tumnus the Faun, and to the Beavers, and Giant Rumblebuffin, to the leopards, and the good centaurs, and the good dwarfs, and to the lion, the Great Lion named Aslan.

And that night there was a great feast in Cair Paravel, there was dancing, and gold flashed and wine flowed. Everyone seemed to be having a grand time. Me and Lucy looked at each other a few hours after enjoying the party. Where was Aslan? We both seemed to connect the same question. I ran out to the terrace, along with Lucy and saw Aslan walking along the beach alone.

"Don't worry. We'll see him again." Mr Tumnus said, almost as if he was hearing our thoughts an questions.

"When?" Lucy asked turning to face Tumnus. Our backs were to Aslan.

"In time. One day he'll be here, the next he won't. But you mustn't press him. After all, he's not a tame lion." Tumnus smiled which made us smile with him.

"No. But he is good." I sighed.

That is when Tumnus pulled out a hanky and put in front of Lucy.

"Here" He smiled as he hands her the hanky. "You need it more than I do."

Lucy took it and smiled at him. I turned around to see that Aslan had gone. Just disappeared. I let a tear go and leaned against the stone structure, hugging Lucy as we looked into the sunset.

"I hope we see him again" I mumbled and Lucy nodded her head fastly.

"Me too Sophia" She cried into me, which set me off.

After a while of hugging with each other and crying. I felt familiar arms wrap around me, hugging me and his little sister.

"What is wrong?" He cooed worried.

"Aslan has gone" I looked at him with pain in my eyes. Pain that Aslan has gone.

All Peter did in reply was pulled us into his chest, hugging us tightly and making sure we knew he was always going to be there to help.

Aslan please come back..

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