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*here is Sophia's dress^*

Aslan turned to a female centaur and started to talk with her. She nodded her head to him and came over to me, Susan and Lucy.

"My Queens" She smiled. "I am Zeroina. I shall take you to your tent"

"I am Susan" Susan began. "And this is my sister Lucy and our friend Sophia"

"Hi" I smiled and waved slightly, Lucy doing the same thing when Susan said when introducing us to Zeroina.

"This is Peter" Susan finished.

"Him and Sophia have a little thing" Lucy whispered to her.

This therefore caused me and Pete to blush furiously. Peter kissed my cheek and walked off with Oreius. Us girls walked with Zeroina to our tent.

"So, Sophia" Lucy giggled. "Are you and my brother a thing yet?"

"I don't know!" I smiled trying not to blush.

"Yet" She said, which made me blush furiously.

"My Queens here are so dresses for you to change into" She handed us some and we all awed in love with the dresses. (Sophia's dress at the top)

We changed into them and some Dryads did our hair, mine was curly much like Lucy's. Whereas Susan had hers in a half up half down look with was extremely pretty. Susan looked at me and Lucy smiling.

"Sophia I am sorry for being so horrid to you" Susan spoke looking down.

I smiled at her and put a hand on her shoulder, indulging her in a hug.

"It is okay Susan" I smiled as I hugged her.

As I pulled away I looked at the both of them.

"Hey how about we go and explore this place? Considering we are going to be here for a while" I smiled and ran out of the tent.

As I walked back, I slipped and fell into a faun.

"Watch where you are going!" he snapped which mad me slightly mad.

Before I could even say anything I heard the voice of Peter.

"Do not talk to your Queen like that" He spoke sternly.

"Oh your highness, I am so sorry" He said to me and carried on what he was doing.

"Thanks" I breathed out.

He came to me; looking at me up and down, then he pulled my hands to him and put his mouth to my ear.

"You look incredibly beautiful Soph" He whispered.

I blushed and pulled back, kissing my lips on his slowly. I pulled back after a while and put my hands on his chest.

"Me and your sisters are going to go on a adventure." I smiled. "You up for it?"

"I would lo-" He smiled but was interrupted by Aslan.

"I would love to have a talk with Peter if that is okay?" Aslan smiled and I nodded my head smiling, walking away from them.

Me, Susan and Lucy went to a little lake nearby. To get there was a forest surrounding, it is shady, dark and cool almost cold. As you come to the end of the trees it opened up into a lake. The air was warmer, the sounds of insects were almost too loud. The lake seems like a black void, the sun bouncing off its surface.

A 'plopping' sound as a fish breaks the surface and ripples widening out. The three of us went to the edge of the lake, the pebbles under foot, crunch, a moorhen is disturbed and runs off along the banking, distracting us from it's nest. A kestrel attracted by the disturbance, hovers above the sky. The smell, of water and 'ozone', warmth and living. We laid down on the edge of the water and peered into its depths, you only see pond weed and small insects at first. As we remain still, layers of water somehow become apparent, the open light layer with minnows darting about, the next darker layer, a large carp is sitting, watching you as you watch him. Then the dark bottom of the pond, the brown silt moving with life.

The dragonflies caught our attention, landing on a bulrush nearby, I lifted my gaze for a moment to see them in their metallic blue finery. From the corner of my eye I saw a shape move in the water. I looked back and realized there are loads of fish, I never noticed before, I saw their black shapes but did not recognize them as fish. There was another 'pop' sound and concentric circles form on the lake, a Moorhen runs away startled. 

We stood up again and walked along to the other side of the lake. This was where the water was clear and so beautiful. We started to paddle into the water and laughing while we were doing it. Having a really great time. Forgetting about anything going on within Narnia at the minute.

"Mother hasn't had a dress like this since before the war" Susan said looking down to her dress putting her hands on her dress.

"Maybe we had bring back a whole trunk load when we go home." Lucy smiled excited

"-If we go home" Susan frowns then looks at Lucy

"Sorry I guess I am like that. Remember when we use to have fun?"

"Yes, before you go boring." Lucy giggled and I laughed at her.

"Oh really!?" Susan smirked.

That is when Susan splashed at Lucy and me. We squealed and had so much fun, laughing and seriously forgetting about everything. We stopped and the two of them sat down on the edge. I reached over to where we hung our towels on the edge of the tree. As I whipped it off a wolf comes barking at me.

I screamed and Susan and Lucy screamed standing up quickly. I gave eye contact for them to go up the tree for safety. Lucy and Susan ran to the tree, climbing up it for safety.

"Now, We're very tired." He snarled at me "We'd prefer to kill you quickly."

I threw the towel at him and threw Susan her horn.

"Blow it Susan!" I yelled climbing up the tree.

Susan blew the horn immediately.

Peter please come..

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