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"Don't worry, it's probably just your imagination" I mimicked as to what they had said previously.

"I don't suppose saying we're sorry would quite cover it?" Peter said apologetic.

"No, it wouldn't." She smiled and I secretly grabbed some snow and put it in a ball. "But this might!" 

I throw the snowball at Peter and it hits him in the face. He bends down and grabs some snow and throws one back to me. I giggle and it all breaks into a full snowball fight. Peter grabs me and puts snow down my top and i squeal trying to get out of his grip. I turn and faces him and our noses are both bright red due to the coldness. My eyes were connected to Peters and he gave me butterflies when i was near him. My nose was against his and my heart beat quickened.

"Ow!" Ed says and rubs his arm "Stop it!"

We all turn to Edmund, Peter and Susan glare at Ed. They had all realized that Ed was in fact lying to them about never being here before.

"You little liar!" Peter snapped and pushed Ed back.

"You didn't believe them either!" Ed defended.

"Apologize to Lucy and Sophia" Peter demands but Edmund just looks at us saying nothing. 

"Say you're sorry!" Peter steps up to him trying to be dominant and I put my hands on his shoulders. 

"Alright! I'm sorry." Ed mumbled obviously not meaning any of it. 

"That's alright, some little children just don't know when to stop pretending." Lucy says looking at him smugly 

"Very funny." he mutters. 

"Maybe we should go back" Susan suggested but more like demanded, motherly like. 

"Can't we at lease take a look around?" Edmund said looking in the northern direction as if he was looking for something. 

"I think Lucy and Sophia must decide!" Peter smiled.

"I all want you to meet Mr. Tumnus!" Lucy beamed and I agreed with her. 

"Well Mr. Tumnus it is then" Peter answered and walked back into the wardrobe again. 

"We can't just walk around in these clothes!" Susan moaned referring to our skirts and blouses.. I mean she had point. Peter came out with huge furry coats. 

"We can use these coats." 

"Peter, they don't belong to us." Susan said as she got handed a coat. 

"Well I don't think the professor will mind. And if you think about it logically we are not even taking them out of the wardrobe." He smirks and Hands a coat to Edmund then puts his own on.

"But that's a girl's coat!" Ed moaned.

"I know." he brother smirked, not caring.

I put my coat on and me and Lucy walked to Mr Tumnus' house. We went walking briskly and stamping our feet trying to get threw the snow. Lucy proved a good leader. At first we wondered whether we would be able to find the way, but Lucy recognized an oddlooking tree on one place and a stump in another and brought them on to where the ground became uneven and into the little valley and at last to the very door of Mr Tumnus's cave. 

"He is so sweet Peter" Lucy beamed. "He is always giving us food like sardines ...and tea and..." Lucy stopped when she saw the door of Mr Tumnus' house open and half broken.

She started running and I did the same nervous as to what happened.

"Sophia! Lucy!" Peter shouted concerned as we ran to aid. 

The door had been wrenched off its hinges and broken to bits. Inside, the cave was dark and cold and had the damp feel and smell of a place that had not been lived in for several days. Snow had drifted in from the doorway and was heaped on the floor, mixed with something black, which turned out to be the charred sticks and ashes from the fire. Someone had apparently flung it about the room and then stamped it out. The crockery lay smashed on the floor and the picture of the Faun's father had been slashed into shreds with a knife.  

My heart sank. "Who would do something like this?" I gasped.

Peter hugged me and my body shook. Lucy hugged me and cried into my coat which melted my heart even more.

"Peter what is that on the wall?" Susan said and Peter let go of me and Lucy and went to see what was pinned to the wall.

"The Former occupant of these premises, the Faun Tumnus, is under arrest and awaiting his trial on a charge of High Treason against her imperial Majesty Jadis, Queen of Narnia, Chatelaine of Cair Paravel, Empress of the Lone Islands, also to comforting her said Majesty's enemies, harbouring spies and fraternizing with Humans. signed Maugrim, captain of the Secret Police, Long live the Queen." Peter read and gulped when hr had finished. 

"Now we should really go." Susan warned.

"Who is this Queen, Lu?" said Peter interrupting his sister . "Do you know anything about her?"

"She isn't a real queen at all," answered Lucy; "she's a horrible witch, the White Witch. Everyone all the wood people hate her. She has made an enchantment over the whole country so that it is always winter here and never Christmas."

"I wonder if there's any point in going on," said Susan. "I mean, it doesn't seem particularly safe here and it looks as if it won't be much fun either. And it's getting colder every minute, and we've brought nothing to eat. Lets just go home?"

"But we can't" said Lucy suddenly; "don't you see? We can't just go home, not after this. It all my fault that Mr Tumnus has got into all of this trouble. He hid me from the Witch and showed me the way back. That's what it means by comforting the Queen's enemies and fraternizing with Humans. We have to try to rescue him."

"It's out of our hands now Lu." Peter mumbled trying to pull us back to the wardrobe. 

"No we can't Peter! You don't get it do you? We are the humans!! He helped us!" I snapped angry that they were not going to help Mr Tumnus. 

"Maybe we should call the police then" Peter said thinking of ways to get out of it.

"These are the police!" I snap.

"Besides, he's a criminal!" Ed sneered and I glared at him.

"What would you know!" I growled and Peter came beside me, holding onto my arm gently and pulled back slightly. 

"Don't worry Lucy, we'll think of something" Peter replied ignoring Ed's comment. 

"Psst!" I heard something say from outside.

Susan looked out and saw a bird on the tree.

"Did that bird just 'psst' us?" she asked us but knew we would not be able to answer it as none of us knew.

We stood outside and the bird flew away. Our attentions were then turned to a rustle in the bushes. Peter pulled Susan and Lucy behind him and brought me close to his side yet slightly behind him. The rustle became louder which caused all our hearts started to beat faster. I griped on Peters arm and he put his hands on mine. What ever was going to come out of those bushes was intimidating me already, making me feel extremely vulnerable. 

Then suddenly a beaver came out of the bushes. 

A beaver! A beaver was what had made me feel so scared. I laughed to myself.

 Well this i going to be interesting. 

Sophia The Stalwart  (Peter Pevensie Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now