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Evening came and the events of today had really made the atmosphere awkward and unpleasant. We were all tucked into bed and I could not help but think about previously on today when me and Peter were close to one another. I could feel a connection with each other even though its only been two days. I sighed to myself. I never had a boyfriend back at home, I mean I was friends with a lot of them but never really took it anywhere. But i have time, I am only young and when it happens it happens. My thoughts were abruptly taken away by seeing Lucy putting her boots one in her night gown and over coat. Where is she going?

I stand up and put on my boats as well and follows Lucy. She goes into the room with the wardrobe and I see her with a small candle. I walked to Lucy and touched her shoulder which caused her to jump.

"Lucy where are you going?" I asked.

"Narnia" She smiled and opened the door. As she opened it her lit candle blew out due to a draft from inside the closet. My eyes widened and Lucy smiled huge, grabbing my hand she dragged me in with her.

As we walked in I felt a cold breeze hit against my face. I moved a fur coat out of my way and what I saw made my eyes widen even more. Oh my goodness. As i look around snow is everywhere, on trees, us and on a single lamp post in the middle of this forest. I looked around in awe and smiled.

"I knew you were telling the truth Lucy" I smiled still in awe. "But this is a whole new level."

She looked towards me and hugged me.

"It is amazing isn't it?" She giggled and i nodded my head very quickly.

"Lets go meet Mr Tumnus" she pulled my hand.

Mr who? I thought to myself but allowed Lucy to pull me off. As we began to walk Lucy turned to me and looked up the to the trees.

"The can hear you know" She spoke seriously.

We walked for seemed like ages. It was really fascinated me how such a small, normal wardrobe yet a huge world was hidden behind it. Everything felt like a dream. Lucy stopped off at a little house in what looked like a hill. We walked in and were greeted by a man with hoofs for legs. What creature was he. A faun. He was a faun. How could this be?

"Mr Tumnus this is my friend Sophia" She smiled.

"Oh your majesty" He bowed down which confused me. Is he taking the mick?

"I am not a Queen or Princess" I laughed uncomfortably.

"Oh but you are my Queen" He smiled.

I decided to leave it as I have just manage to get around my head whats is going on with in this place. Looking around his house seems as normal as any home back in England. He allowed us to sit down on his chairs and handed us a warm cup of coco with some cakes. Lucy was talking to him and I just sat their smiling and talking back to them. It surely was amazing to be in this world were there seemed no upset and everything was peaceful.

But that dream that this place would take my mind off of the war and destruction back at home was changed when Lucy and Mr Tumnus talked about this woman called. 'The White Witch' who rules over Narnia who makes it always Winter never summer. She is a tough, evil person who has destroyed Narnia. Lucy said she wants to get rid of her and me because she does not want to be over thrown. It did not really make that much sense to me. How are we going to over throw her?

The time was late and we decided we should go back home. We said our goodbyes and left to go back home. As we walked back we saw a boy in a blue dressing gown by the Lamp post. Edmund?

"Edmund? Oh Edmund!!!!" Lucy squealed and hugged Ed. "We saw Mr. Tumnus again and he's fine!!! The White Witch hasn't found out about him helping me from the first time i came"

"The White Witch?" Ed gulped which caused me to be suspicious

"She calls herself the Queen of Narnia, but she really isn't." Lucy said is a whispered tone

"Edmund? Are you okay?" I asked slightly glaring

"You look awful." Lucy frowned.

"Well what do you expect! It's freezing!" He stuttered. "How do we get out of here?"

"Come on...this way." she said and grabbed our hands. We walked through the wardrobe back to our home.

Once we got back, Lucy immediately ran to her brothers room.  She turned on the light and jumped on Peter to wake him up, to tell him about our visit to Narnia.

"Peter, Peter wake up! It's there, it's really there" She squealed and jumped on him more.

Peter rolls over still half asleep and with a husky, grouchy voice which played with my emotions. He was so gorgeous and it drove me insane.

"Lucy, what are talking about?" He moaned and sat up.

"Narnia! It's all in the wardrobe, like                          I told you!" She jumps and holds my hand.

Susan comes rushing in while tying her dressing gown

"Oh Lucy, you've been dreaming." She said trying to hush her but you could tell she was having done of it.

Lucy frowned at Susan and shook her head fast.

"No I wasn't, I saw Mr. Tumnus again!" She beamed. "Oh, and this time, Sophia and Edmund went too."

I nodded my head backing up Lucy after all i was not going to lie because it was the truth. They all turned to me and Edmund.

"You saw the faun?" Peter asked me and Ed. I nodded my head.

"Well, he didn't actually go there with me, only Sophia met him. What were you doing Edmund?" Lucy frowned looking confused.

"I-I was just playing along. You know what little children are like these days, they just don't know when to stop pretending"  and he sits on his bed looking smugly at Lucy and I.

She ran out crying and i formed tears in my eyes.

I push past Edmund and he falls back slightly. Peter runs after us and he grabs my hand and pulls me too him.

"What Peter?!" I snap "What do you want? Or are you going to treat me like I am stupid and a liar"

"You know you don't have to play along with her games don't you?" He calmly spoke.

"I am not playing along" I shook my head and pulled my hand away from his.

Once I pulled away, I went to Lucy who was running down the hall - suddenly she smacked into the Professor. She looks up a little frightened and then starts her crying all over again, hugging him.

"You children are one shenanigan shy of sleeping' in the stable- oh." She moans and then sees the Professor standing there. "Professor! I told them you were not to be disturbed."

"Oh, it's alright Mrs. Macready - I'm sure there's a logical explanation." He softly spoke. Then looked down to Lucy. "But I think this one needs some hot chocolate."

"Yes Professor. Come on, dear." she smiled and hugged Lucy's side taking her down to the kitchen.

We started to turn around and walk back into our rooms but the professor coughed which caused us to turn around.

"You three come with me" he ushered us to follow me to her study.

I cannot believe that Peter would think we were lying. I can tell he does not believe us...

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