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Aslan and I walked further. Leaving the two of them back to where we had left them. As we got closer the shouting was louder and louder. We showed our faces and everyone screamed, mocking us.

"Behold, the great lion" The witch mocked. "And his precious little Queen"

Some beast poked Aslan with his axe. Causing Aslan to growl a little. The beast, which looked like he could be the General, looked at the Witch. She nods to him and he turns back and knocks Aslan over. I let out a small scream. Then a hag grabs me by the throat and pushes me against the tree, making me watch.

"Here kitty, kitty. Do you want some milk?" The little dwarf tormented throwing milk at Aslan.

"Stop hurting him!" I shouted.

Aslan looked at me and smiled at me, meaning for me to stay quiet. I looked away and the Witch came over pushing my jaw to watch Aslan be tortured.

"Bind him!" She shouts then looks at me. "Wait. Let him first be shaved!"

She grins evilly at me.

The dwarf, who I found out his name, was Ginarrbrick, pulled out a knife and cuts off some of Aslan's mane and throws the hair into the crowd. That is when the rest of the creatures join in, cheering and loving the pain they are inflicting on Aslan.

"Bring him to the table!" The Witch shouts trying to show her superiority.

The creatures dragged Aslan to the stone table and tied him down. She dragged me along with her holding me in-between her arms so I was over the top of Aslan. She grabbed my hands, putting the knife between them. Lifting my arms up in the air, she began to talk.

"You know, Aslan, I'm a little disappointed in you." She mocked "Did you honestly think by all this that you could save the human traitor?"

I see Lucy and Susan further up into the cut where we had walked through before the creatures took us.

"You are giving me your life and saving no one's. So much for love." She laughs.

As she lifts my arms even higher, with the dagger between my hands, she begins to scream.

"Tonight, the Deep Magic will be appeased!" She yells as the creatures applaud.  "But tomorrow, we will take Narnia...forever!"

The creatures cheer. Aslan looks at me and smiles trying to reassure me. A tear falls from my eyes to his face.

"In that knowledge... Despair... and DIE!" She screams and pushes my hands down so fast that the dagger plunges into Aslan's heart, killing him instantly. He growls in pain and his eyes slowly close.

I start to cry uncontrollably even more trying to get to Aslan to help him.

"The great cat...is DEAD!!" She screams and throws me to the general.

Her army cheers loudly.

"General, prepare your troops for battle. However short it may be." She instructs then looks at me "And take her to the tree and tie her up. I will deal with her later."

I struggle from the beasts arm and he scrapes his sword down my arm which makes me scream in pain. As he drags me off, everything seems to go so dark and my eyes fall. I blacked out.

"Wake up!" I heard the Witch say as she kicked me, making me groan in pain.

I looked and saw that I was tied to a tree and hand scratches all over my arms. Open words that immediately began to cause me, to be in agony.

"Now it is time for you" She smirks evilly. "Now tell me what the army plans are"

All I did was spit on her. She quickly slapped my face in return and got a dagger from the dwarf.

"I suggest you tell me" She yelled grabbing my hand and slashed my arm.

I screamed in pain, which I know satisfied her. She pulled my hair so I looked at her.

"Now tell me, as you do not want it to happen again do you?" She grins nastily.

"I would rather die than tell you" I spat at her again.

"I am sure you would. But how would you feel if I killed that boy you are so madly in love with" She smirks.

"You would not hurt him" I screamed.

"Watch me!" She said

"You are no Queen!" I screamed at her which made her mad. "You invaded Narnia! You do not deserve to rule!"

"Why do you never shut you huge mouth girl!" She shouted and then hit me on the head making it smack against the tree, knocking me out once again.


Edmund's Point Of View

"It has been three days since she has been with them!" Peter stressed to me and to Oreius.

"Sire we have done all that we can." He began. "But their security has gone up"

"Well that is not good enough" Peter yelled throwing the cup of the side onto the ground. "We need her back! I need her back!"

He slumped against the chair and put his hands in his head.

"Sire Aslan has gone and we need a leader." Oreius spoke.

"Then you'll have to lead us. Peter, there's a whole army out there and it's ready to follow you." I spoke trying to calm Peter down.

"I can't." Peter pressed almost giving up.

I could tell all his mind was thinking about was Sophia and I could not blame him at all. She was a big part of his life and really made a difference to it as well. She loved him and he loved her, just the same amount.

"Aslan believed you could. So do I." I started. "And most of all, Sophia did and does. If you cannot do it for anyone else Pete. Do it to save Sophia."

"The Witch's army have been reported that it is near, sire. What are your orders?" Oreius asked Peter.

Peter sighed and looked down at the map.

"We need a distraction" Pete began.

This was it. This was the Peter I knew.

He will find you Sophia.

We all will

And save Narnia.

Sophia The Stalwart  (Peter Pevensie Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now