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Peter and the Witch continue fighting, she was fighting harder and harder trying to win, even though she will not win. With another hit she trips Peter and pins him down by the arm, causing him to scream out in pain. My body shakes and I call Peters name out. She was lifting up her dagger and was aboutto kill him. She got higher and higher. I began to haul myself to where her and Peter were so I could help him. But to my surprise, Aslan knocks her over flat on the ground. The Witch and Aslan seem to stare at each other for a secondbefore he kills her. Peter was watching amazed and relieved as he looked at Aslan.

"It is finished." Aslan spoke calmly and walked away.

I stopped moving and fell flat on the ground again. Ginnarbrick, the little dwarf was aiming a arrow at me, ready to kill me. Putting my head on the ground I awaited the painful death.

"Sophia!" Lucy yells and I see Susan's bow fly straight into him before he can hurt me.

They all ran to me. I was coughing and spluttering, gasping for air. Peter pulled me so that my back was resting against his legs as he sat beside me. Lucy pulled out her cordial.

"Come on Sophia" Peter begs as he brushes my hair back. "Stay with me"

She placed one drop on my lips. Thats when I felt the liquid go down my throat soathing it. I stopped moving momentarily. I thought that would be it. Goodbye.

"Sophia! No come back!" Peter yelled crying.

"Thank you Soph, for saving my life" I heard Edmund silently cry.

I started to gasp. Peter sat me up quickly and pulled me into him crying. I hugged back and was squashed by everyone else hugging me too.

"I am so glad you are back" Peter spoke as he kissed me on the lips.

"Ew" I heard Lucy giggle, which made me smile.

I pulled back from Peter's kiss, we all started laughing and hugging with each other. Aslan walks over and restores a satyr, who had been turned to stone by the Witch. Lucy smiles as she sees Aslan and picks up hercordial, rushing to help the wounded that were spread across the Narnian battle field.

Peter held me stand up and picked me up bridal style, as I was quite unstable to walk due to the weakness of my body. I cuddled into his neck, missing the smell and touch of Peter. We went to the tent and he put me down, allowing the healers to clean me up. He walked away to be cleaned himself.

I was changed in a dress (at the top) and I hobbled slowly out of my tent to go outside, to see Peter. As I went outside I tripped over the tent pegs and prepared to feel more pain. But I did not. I was caught by no other than Peter who was looking down at me smiling. I looked up to him and he pressed a light kiss on my forehead.

"I love you too by the way" He smiles.

"What?" I smiled huge.

"I heard you on that night" He mumbled. "At first I thought it was a dream. But when I found out you had gone, I knew it was no dream Sophia. So I love you and I want you to know that."

"I love you to Peter Pevensie" I smiled playing with his hair, running my fingers through the tips.

"I have heard that tomorrow is our coronation day" I smiled.

"It is" He replied and spun me around. Then he put me down slowly as i slumped up against the tree by tent.

I looked into his eyes and moved close to his lips. My nose was up against his and I brushed past it slowly, biting onto my lip. Peter put one hand on my waist then one on my jaw. He pushed my head to his lips and we began to kiss very slowly and passionately. I proceeded to kiss him even more as he pushed me tight up against the tree.

While we were kissing I heard a small chuckle and pushed Peter away slowly, I turned to see Aslan standing there. I smiled and he motioned for me to follow him. I put my hands on Peters chest and walked away, following Aslan to where he was going.

"I wanted to thank you" He spoke as we walked to the end of the hill. "For being so brave and strong."

"I did it for you and my new family" I smiled thinking of Peter and his brother and sisters.

"You will make a fine Queen Sophia" He smiled looking at me. "I just want you to know that."

"Thank you Aslan" I hugged him, feeling his soft mane against my skin.

His fur was so soft and warm. It made me feel so safe and protected. It made me feel like this was my home. I did not want to leave or Aslan to leave.

"Tomorrow you will become Queen" Aslan spoke calmly while I cuddled into his mane. "And you shall fulfill your duties and expectations as Queen."

"I am nervous Aslan" I sighed.

"You will be a fine Queen Sophia. Have faith in yourself." He began. "No matter what happens, always follow your heart."

I turned and looked at him. He was right. If i wanted to be the Queen of Narnia I needed to make sure every single decision me and Peter make, must benefit our people. I am going to make sure Narnia goes back to the place it used to be. Where everyone was friends and not afraid of each other. Where there was no wickedness and everyone looked out for one another. And there would be seasons and no evil curses which made sure I would dictate of my people. I would make sure Narnia was a free place.

Narnia would be safe.

I promise I will make that happen.

Sophia The Stalwart  (Peter Pevensie Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now