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As we hold onto Peter I feel Lucy start to let go of me, I grab onto her and my hands slips from Peters arm. We fall back into the freezing water, holding onto each other.

"Sophia" Lucy splutters as we come to the top. Swimming to the side.

"Come on Lu hold onto me" I smiled and held onto her as we swam to the side.

As we got to the side I pushed Lucy up on the bank and then pulled myself up. I took off my coat and gave it to Lucy who had lost hers. I hugged her into me and then heard shouts.

"Lucy!" Susan yelled. "Sophia"

The same was coming out of the mouths of Peter and the Beavers. We walked down to where we heard the shouts and then saw them.

"Has anyone seen my coat?" Lucy smiled.

They quickly turned to us and rushed over, indulging us into a hug bear hug.

As everyone pulled away Peter grabbed me and kissed me slowly. I kissed back willingly then pulled away before the others saw. I smiled and hugged into him.

"Your brother has you all looked after." Mr Beaver said to Lucy.

He looked up at me and winked aiming it at me and Peter quite obviously. Causing me to blush and smile. As I looked up I saw the sun shinning through the green trees and the birds chirping away. I smiled as I knew the witches power was breaking and Aslan's influence was taking over Narnia.

Lucy went to put on her coat and handed mine back to me. We were interrupted by Mrs Beaver. 

"I don't think you'll be needing those coats any more!" She smiled as she pointed to the scenery behind us.

As we turned around we began to walk and admire the spring coming about and the flowers budding. We left our coats on the side of the river before we left and we were now about to head towards Aslan's Camp. It was nerve racking as we did not know what the Aslan would be expecting of us. As my thoughts were surrounding my head, Peter grabbed onto my hand and rubbed his thumb over my hand soothing me. I looked up to see his blue orbs staring into mine concerned. I smiled up to him and we stood still.

"Whats wrong?" He asked kissing my forehead.

"I am just nervous Peter." I began and leaned into his chest. "What is Aslan going to expect from us? How are we going to get Edmund back? And worst of all your older sister hates me"

He tilted my head up and kissed my lips slowly. I smiled and kissed back willingly. Peter made me feel so calm and even though it had only been a week or so, It had felt like forever. He pulled back and brushed my hair past my ear.

"Sophia, Aslan seems like her would not make us do anything we would not want to do." He began. "We are only young and you should not seem to worry about anything. And as for Susan, she is just stressed and unfamiliar with this place. I mean we all are unfamiliar but Susan does not know how to handle it."

"Peter you really are amazing" I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Sophia you do not understand how much I care about you and how much I-" Peter began but was cut off by Mr Beaver.

"Come on love birds we are nearly there." He smiled and scurried back.

I pushed Peter back playfully and ran back to the others, Peter shortly following me to the others. I looked at the others and saw them looking at a entrance of what looked like Aslan's camp.

The red bunting was surrounding the edges of the pathway we walked. Following the Beavers, everyone had stopped what they were doing to look at us. Some of the creatures there were very unfamiliar and shocked me slightly. Centaurs, Fauns and Dryads and so on were turning to face us. Susan began to feel uncomfortable and I put my hand on her arm to calm her down. She turned to me and smiled, which shocked me greatly.

"Why are they all staring at us?" Susan said while frowning.

"Maybe they think you look funny." Lucy replied which made me giggle slightly.

Peter came to Lucy and wrapped an arm around her shoulders smiling at her little comment to Susan. Susan had smiled at Lucy's comment as well which made me ever more shocked than her earlier reaction. As we came to what looked like a tent, everyone had followed behind us.

"Oh stop your fussing Mrs. Beaver. You look lovely." Mr Beaver said which made me, Lucy and Susan awe at the couple.

Peter pulled out his sword and put it in front of him, the point in the ground.

"We have come to see Aslan." Peter said to what looked like a Centaur.

The tent started to blow due to a breeze and everyone kneels down. We all looked at each other and followed the actions of the others. As we went down, bowing, a lion stepped outside the tent and came to us. That lion was Aslan. He came from the tent towards us kneeling/bowing before him.

Aslan was a large, talking lion, who seemed terrifying yet magnificent and beautiful all at once. He seemed very wise, and a powerful force for good which was present as the witches curse was dying. He was friendly and loving all at the same time and I could tell Aslan would help us throughout our journey through this world.

"Welcome Peter Adam's son, Welcome Sophia, Susan and Lucy daughters-of-Eve. Welcome Beavers. You have my thanks, but where is the fifth?" Aslan asked as we stood up to face him.

"That's why we are here." Peter said putting away his sword.

"We had a little trouble along the way." Susan spoke to the magnificent lion.

"He's been captured by the White Witch" I said to Aslan with great concern.

"Captured!?" The crowed mumbled loudly.

"He betrayed them your Excellence!" Mr Beaver said to Aslan.

"Then he has betrayed us all" Oreius, the centaur snapped angrily. Which I could tell made Peter mad.

"Peace Oreius." Aslan silenced him, turning back to us.

"It is my fault really. I was too hard on him." Peter confessed and I instinctively put my hand on Peters shoulder.

"We all were." Susan said smiling at her older brother.

"Sir, he's our brother." Lucy frowned upset.

"I know dear and that makes the betrayal all the worse." He smiled slightly. "It may be harder than you think"

Aslan please help him.


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