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"They , they , were heading North." He sighed as he squirmed.

"Quickly, smell them out. " The obvious man wolf snarled.

I let out a huge sigh and I looked to see Peter biting his lip in an act of controlling his anxiety. As the wolves went, they cast aside the fox , where he lays whimpering on the ground. I jumped down from the tree and ran to help the fox. Mrs. Beaver came and started to patch up the Fox, as the me; Susan, Lucy and Peter listened sat around a burning fire watching the fox being helped by Mrs Beaver.

"Are you all right?" I asked as he whimpered even more.

"Well, I wish I could say their bark was worse than their bite." He joked but whinced in pain and moved slightly

"Stop squirming! You're worse than beaver on bath day" Mrs Beaver said and I giggled.

"Worst day of the year" Mr Beaver shuddered and we all smiled at him.

The fox stood up and looked at all of us.

"Well I am afraid that is all the healing I have time for." He began.

"You're leaving?" Lucy asked.

"It has been a pleasure my Queen. I have been asked by Aslan himself to gather more troops." He smiled and the Beavers opened their eyes wide. 

"You've seen Aslan!" Mr Beaver awed.

"What is He like?" Mrs Beaver ushered him to tell more.

"Like everything we have ever heard. You'll a good helping us in fighting the White Witch" the fox said looking at us.

"We are not planning fighting any witch" Susan mumbled.

"But Surely King Peter." The fox asked.

"We just want to get our brother back." He calmly spoke looking down, feeling ashamed of his decision.

"My Queen?" He asked looking at me.

"I am willing to help all I can" I smiled at him and he smiled right back at me.

He smiled and wondered off into the great woods that surrounded us. We all set out some blankets and fell asleep on the floor. I turned and was laid next to Peter. I looked towards him smiling and he returned it. His features were prominent and stood out. Peters eyes were bright blue that shined no matter where he was. He's tanned skin was smooth with no imperfections. Peter was most certainly perfect.

My brown hair fell down the side of my face and Peter moved his hand, pushing it back out of my face. I smiled and his hand rested on my cheek. It was incredibly freezing and my nose and cheeks had become rosy.

Peter looked at me and moved closer slowly. Our eyes met. I couldn't seem to move my gaze away.

"What do you think is going to happen" I whispered, so I wouldn't wake anyone up.

"I do not know Soph." He sighed. "But I can assure you, you will be safe and will get back home."

He smiled and I returned to gesture.

"Tell me what your home was like" Peter asked.

I looked down and tears formed in my eyes. I quickly blinked so Peter wouldn't see the tears that were about to leave my face. My home. I sighed and bit onto my lip.

"It was an industrial part of Birmingham" I smiled. "It was always busy, even before the war. The city that never slept. That's what me and my friends used to call it. Well before we left"

Thinking about home made me happy, yet I yearned so badly for her to be with me right now. My mother had long brown hair, like mine. With gorgeous brown eyes. I on the other hand inherited my fathers green hazel eyes. How I missed him as well.

"We had a medium size house, which had the most incredible garden me and my cousins would play in" I smiled as I reminisced. "The garden had a patch of roses in a corner. With a set of swings attached to this huge oak tree branch. I could've have spent forever in that garden."

"Do you miss your home?" Peter asked.

I nodded my head fast.

"I really do." I smiled.

Peter looked at me and smiled. He came closer to me, his nose rubbings the with mine. I looked down to his, sweet, pink lips; I bit down on mine in reaction.

"But I'm glad I'm here now" I whispered to him.

"I'm so glad you're here." He whispered slowly back. "So I guess you are supposed to be my queen?" 

"I guess I am" I laugh, blushing even more. 

"So that would mean that I get to kiss you?" He flirted smoothly and I grinned from ear to ear. 

"I guess it would mean that." I leaned in. 

I put my hand on his chest and he moved his arm underneath me bringing me closer to him. As I moved my lips scraped against him. I felt the Sparks fly. I looked into his eyes and pressed my lips down to his again. This time it was different. My lips were against Peters; sharing a passionate kiss. His lips moved against mine in perfect sync. 

I pulled away slowly and I leaned back down and kissed him once more.

"Goodnight Peter Pevensie" I smiled and he grinned back.

"Goodnight Sophia" he spoke which made my heart melt even more.

I snuggled up into his chest and listened to his heart beat slowly, slow down. I smiled to myself about how quickly was I falling for this handsome boy.

Peter Pevensie I sure do hope there is a lot more in store for us.

Sophia The Stalwart  (Peter Pevensie Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now