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A few days had been and gone, yet I was still here. I began to give up all hope that they were not coming to save me. The witch had made sure I was changed but in some raggedy old clothes. She had tried to take my necklace off but the magic was too strong for her to touch and was therefore left on me. To torment me if anything went wrong with someone I loved.

"We are going" She snapped and one of her beasts came, picking me up.

I had become weak and did not want to move at all. It had me put on her sleigh and I sat there curled up.  As we began to move I saw that we were in Beruna. The huge battle field that was by the camp. As I looked up to the sky I saw a gryphon flies over Beruna, fly right over us and look down to me. I knew that Peter would be at the top of the hill ready to come and fight, I could feel it.

"There he is" She smirked as she grabbed me from the floor to stand in front of the army.

I fell to the ground and looked up to see Peter standing so close, yet he was so far away. She laughed and pulled my head back forcefully. I could see Peter about to move but Ed pulled him back.

"How romantic" She mocked laughing, then pushed me forward again.

Peter slowly looked back at Edmund and nods his head. He makes Ed go to the top of the hill, then he turned back to us and draws his sword, holding it up as a challenge. Peter's army cheered, following their rightful King.

"I take no interest in prisoners." The Witch spoke to the general. "Kill them all"

I turned and looked to her in shock.

"No!" I yelled and she slapped me around the face.

She had made my head twist to the side from the force. Before I could even comprehend, Otmin, the general, roars and the Witch's army charges into battle. Around the Witch and I. As they get closer, Peter lowers his hand, that is when the Gryphons come flying overhead, carrying rocks.

"Look to the sky!" Otmin warned as the army came to a stand still.

The gryphons begin dropping their rocks on the Witch's army. Narnian dwarfs draw arrows and shootsome of them down, meanwhile Peter and Oreius watched as the battle started to unfold.

"For Narnia!! And For Aslan!!" I heard Peter yell to the Narnian's as they ran down to the hill, to their fate.

The Narnian's cheers and they all begin to rush forward. At last, the two armies meet and begin the battle forNarnia. The Witch held us there, at the back watching the two armies fight. The Narnians, led by Peter, charged to meet the enemy in the middle of the plain and quickly clashed with Otmin's division.

After the witches first wave of troops had thinned the ranks of Aslan's army, the Witch then sent the second wave of her attack. She started to proceed forward with me by her side walking closer.

To keep the forces from being crushed in the open, Peter ordered a retreat to a fall-back point in the rocks where his archers were stationed. She turned and looked at me smirking.

"You little King afraid?" She smirked and grabbed my chin to look at Peter.

Meanwhile during the retreat, the unicorn that Peter was mounted on was shot out from under him, and he lay stunned for several moments. I panicked and I did not want to look at it, seeing him hurt. Just seeing that the future king was extremely vulnerable with the evil enemy closing in, Oreius and a rhinoceros charged into the ranks of the Witch's army to buy Peter some time to recover and retreat with the rest of his army.

Shortly into the charge, the rhinoceros was cut down by ankle slicers, while Oreius continued on in the direction of the Witch, killing Otmin along the way.

"NO!" Peter yelled.

We began to go closer to them. I was able to see Peter much clearer and saw a small cut on his head. I just wanted to run to him and just never leave him ever. But that thought was quickly taken away when Oreius made it to the Witch to come and get me. They dueled briefly before she turned him into stone.

"No, no no no!" I shouted and tried to push her back in anger.

As the battle wore on, it became apparent that the Narnian's were losing. Everyone knew it especially the Witch and Peter. I saw the pain in Peter's eyes as he turns to his brother. He shouted to Ed

"Ed! There are too many of them! Go! Get out of here! Get the girls, and get them home!" Peter yelled. "I will get Sophia!"

Mr Beaver pulled Ed away from the scene. That was when the Witch started to walk closer and closer to Peter.

I stood up in front of her and kept pushing her back.

"Don't you dare go anywhere near him!" I yelled and pushed her back. She threw me to the side of her.

I see out of the corner of my eye, Edmund rushing down the hill towards me and the Witch. He starts to swing at the Witch. But after every swing she dodged it and then she tries to turn him intostone and it  Ed's turn to dodge. As he dodges her, he manages to break her wand. Ed turns to me but I can see behind him the Witch about to stab Ed. Using the remains of her wand, the Witch throwsEdmund's sword out of the way and goes to stab him.

"Ed!" I screamed and pushed him back.

That is when she stabs me in the stomach.

"Sophia!" I heard Peter scream.

I looked at my abdomen starting to panic and breathe heavy. I saw Ed about to come and help me. Peter ran to the Witch and began to fight with her. They dueled pretty hard and she knocked his sword from his grasp, pushing him to the ground. I coughed and spluttered.

But that is when everything changed.

It was a roar.

But not by any old creature that means nothing.

It was Aslan.

"Impossible" I heard the Witch mumble.

Oh Aslan.


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